07-26-2010, 04:56 AM
So here's the deal. I am the president of my high school's GSA and I have a HUGE problem. My town is EXTREMELY biased and close-minded. Last year was our first official Day Of Silence and I ran it. I had about five one-hundredth of the school population sign up and I have the very distinct impression that about two thirds of that fraction was just so that they could be quiet in class. And the worst part was that getting to the actual day was a HUGE hassle. I literally had people that were ripping posters off the wall and sticking them in the urinal, telling us to our faces (for the VERY few in the GSA (me and one other girl) and our real supporters) that we were against God and that we were idiots, and even telling TEACHERS they were idiots for supporting it. Even before that there were problems. Our school is a safe zone and we have little posters in all the classroom saying so. We, however, did not have one in the computer lab. Once day during Biology we were in the computer lab and one of the boys in class started going on about "This isn't a safe zone," and proceeded to say things against gay people and calling his friend a fag. And I asked politely if he could NOT use that term because I take offense to it, my being Bi and all, which he was aware of. And he started flipping out and being all "Shut the fuck up. This isn't a safe zone. I can say whatever I want." And I got mad, but held my tongue so as to not say something really stupid. And all the teacher did was tell him to behave. And another day in Economics a student was saying, to my face, that being gay was stupid and so on and the teacher literally stood there doing nothing while we were arguing. He was smiling. Students even started making posters for an ANTI-GSA with a gun pointing to the stick figures in the GSA symbol. And during the Day of Silence a student scream in the hallway in front of my table that anyone who signed up for the Day Of Silence would be shunned. This is the kind of environment that I'm trying to bring change too. So you can see my issues. I really want to bring awareness to my school and try and make a difference but I've been hitting a lot of roadblocks. Can anyone give me some advice on how to try and approach this? And hopefully get a lot more support for the GSA? I'd REALLY appreciate some help. Thanks.