Well,something about my opinion.
GS was found by GOOGLE.I donot know the exact keyword i inputted,but it was related to "gay" absolutely.
Well,i was searching some kind of porn.That was my aim then.And i came here.LOL:biggrin:
When i registered,i was a little disappointed.

There turned out to be no porn at all.Neither could i find a sexual pic.
GS is pure,i think.It just provides us useful information and advices when we are lost.And this cleanness keeps someone away and also gathers someone else.I like GS's style.And I like GS to be pure.

1. When i input "gay forum" in my Google,GS is in the 6th place.:frown: I don't know why.
2. Well,i'm not an Emglish native speaker and still working on my English.So I hope you can understand what i wrote above.