I'm wondering how tied in to your sexual orientation are your
fantasies while masturbating... It's just that I've read that women in
general are more fluid in this and a woman can be straight yet have
sexual fantasies oriented towards women. I'm trying to see where
fantasies and orientation meet up. At what point are fantasies a
determination of your sexual orientation and nothing else (as they can
be for some women it seems)?
Posts: 2,797
Threads: 40
Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Love them.
Fantasies about them.
Dream about them.
I have NEVER fantasised about women naturally, and when i tried it...ugh a turn a off.:redface: So i'm pretty sure i'm gay.:tongue:
Hope this is the kind of answer your looking for.

Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I think that your sexual fantasies determine your sexual orientation inly when like...they are mostly about one gender in particular. Maybe not really because people who are bi probably have fantasies about both genders (? sorry). But I don't think an occasional thought about the same gender makes you homosexual or bi, no matter how much men worry about being gay when they have a fantasy about another man here and there. :]
I think about guys. Before I came out, when I was still in denial, I would think about women but in reality it was always very mechanical. It never felt the same. Now I don't bother, I realise who I am.
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Do don’t fantasies about anything I just really focus of whatever porn I’m watching so I can get the deed done putting that fire out an getting on with my day.
In terms of my fantasies they always come in those little quite moments, like when I’m bored at work or in that gray area between asleep an awake that’s when the those little lighting bolts of gay hit me.
Guys mostly...no...always. It's always guys and gay porn. LOL.
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I was thinking about guys and girls. However, my heart was set on guys and I was thinking about them sexually. I have fantasized about this one guy when I was in junior high school. I'll make a thread about that guy...