The Holocaust tragedy left me in disbelief and tears.
I once told a friend of mine that we are just The Sims for God to play around. He thought I was joking but I wasn't. I don't get how God who supposed to be compassionate allows the death of millions.
I have visited the Concentration-Camp in Bergen-Belsen one day... - they have a Memorial-Center - and I was so shocked. I´ve seen the gay-victims-exhibition and if you stand there, looking the pictures, reading what happend.... as first you can´t imagine the horror of this times.
But ... It´s not God or the great Goddess who did this... It´s a human-crime, done by worthless cruel human beings...
And it reminds me, that we as gay-people never should judge about people because they are what they are.... and only judge about people for what the did - positive and negatve - against others.