09-19-2010, 02:59 PM
I just want to introduce myself and kind of tell my story and see what ya'll think. First off my name's Tyler!
Okay, so I have been and still am dating a beautiful girl I love for the past 2 years, things are great as of late. We just fight over the dumbest stuff in the world and it is going no where so I just need some advice. Ever since I was in 9th grade "15 years old" I have been confused? It started when I would watch straight porn but I noticed myself looking at the male and thinking hmm. It was strange, then one day I just said fuck it I'll watch gay porn, and I did. I noticed I would get hard quicker and shoot a bigger load than I have ever done in my life. It was weird and making me nervous. I ended up getting a dildo as a gag gift one year for my birthday, more or less a joke from high school. I always wondered how it would feel, so I tried, and I noticed I kept using it more and more. I know this all sounds weird but there is some moral to this all.
This all happened through high school and into college, but it wasn't a everyday thing, it would happen in spurts. I would do it for a week and watch porn and then I would stop and not look for months, so I was so fucking confused it was annoying the hell out of me. I have been with around 27 women, so I am so up in the air. I am not looking for you too be like yes Tyler you are gay or bisexual I am just looking for stories to share or some information I can go with. It's pretty hard being in a relationship and thinking of men at the same time.
I just am not 100% sure I can be in a relationship with a man, I am a man's man, definitely masculine, played college baseball, played high school hockey, I am the "Jock" as they would say. Not saying Jocks can't be gay but ah I don't know! My mother did ask me once maybe twice if I was gay. I kind of think she found gay porn or websites I went to when I didn't have my own computer but she just never told me, so who knows. I doubt she thinks that anymore? but never know.
I also hung out with a gay man once, he invited me over and knew I was "whatever" and we talked about hooking up. So I got all dressed up, smelled nice and went over. I was scared shitless. We watched a gay movie, not porn but about some kid who was curious and his parents finding out and stuff like that. It was real good, got me hard, especially I was next to a hot guy! lol. We were head to head, and I wanted to just kiss him but was so nervous, I am sure we could of had fun, but we watched the movie I got scared it was over and I left. He texted me saying he wanted to see me again and how cute I was but I just left it at that.
So I am just wondering? WTF is going on, like I said I am not looking for a label unless you truly know, but a story to share or someone to just talk to about this, if I should end it, or be sneaky, or be gay or bisexual or straight. I am just lost for words and thoughts!
Thanks for reading this, I hope to hear back from ya'll, nice meeting you!
I just want to introduce myself and kind of tell my story and see what ya'll think. First off my name's Tyler!
Okay, so I have been and still am dating a beautiful girl I love for the past 2 years, things are great as of late. We just fight over the dumbest stuff in the world and it is going no where so I just need some advice. Ever since I was in 9th grade "15 years old" I have been confused? It started when I would watch straight porn but I noticed myself looking at the male and thinking hmm. It was strange, then one day I just said fuck it I'll watch gay porn, and I did. I noticed I would get hard quicker and shoot a bigger load than I have ever done in my life. It was weird and making me nervous. I ended up getting a dildo as a gag gift one year for my birthday, more or less a joke from high school. I always wondered how it would feel, so I tried, and I noticed I kept using it more and more. I know this all sounds weird but there is some moral to this all.
This all happened through high school and into college, but it wasn't a everyday thing, it would happen in spurts. I would do it for a week and watch porn and then I would stop and not look for months, so I was so fucking confused it was annoying the hell out of me. I have been with around 27 women, so I am so up in the air. I am not looking for you too be like yes Tyler you are gay or bisexual I am just looking for stories to share or some information I can go with. It's pretty hard being in a relationship and thinking of men at the same time.
I just am not 100% sure I can be in a relationship with a man, I am a man's man, definitely masculine, played college baseball, played high school hockey, I am the "Jock" as they would say. Not saying Jocks can't be gay but ah I don't know! My mother did ask me once maybe twice if I was gay. I kind of think she found gay porn or websites I went to when I didn't have my own computer but she just never told me, so who knows. I doubt she thinks that anymore? but never know.
I also hung out with a gay man once, he invited me over and knew I was "whatever" and we talked about hooking up. So I got all dressed up, smelled nice and went over. I was scared shitless. We watched a gay movie, not porn but about some kid who was curious and his parents finding out and stuff like that. It was real good, got me hard, especially I was next to a hot guy! lol. We were head to head, and I wanted to just kiss him but was so nervous, I am sure we could of had fun, but we watched the movie I got scared it was over and I left. He texted me saying he wanted to see me again and how cute I was but I just left it at that.
So I am just wondering? WTF is going on, like I said I am not looking for a label unless you truly know, but a story to share or someone to just talk to about this, if I should end it, or be sneaky, or be gay or bisexual or straight. I am just lost for words and thoughts!
Thanks for reading this, I hope to hear back from ya'll, nice meeting you!