Halloween was my annual nightmare evening...spending all night telling people they look great in that dress was a challenge for me:biggrin: I spent 20 years in a gay nightclub on Halloween and I swore I would never participate in another Halloween...and I haven't.
They have Halloween parties here but they all seem so lame and... I don't know what to go as. When I'm older and able to go where I want whenever I want I'll go to one though.
A zombie mask and a night of scaring the kiddies~. Fun, fun.
Samhain for me as Pagan and for other Religons like Wicca, Druide, Asatru... Neopagan is the highest religous Celebration-Day of the year. It´s a High-Solemnity, Fire- and Moon Celebration.
Its the last Day of the year... with sunset 31. Oct. the old year ends .. the new year begins on sunrise 01.Nov. The time between - the night - is called Halloween - from All Hallows Eve or Samhain - from sam-fuin.
The time between sunset and sunrise is "time-free"... and much storys are about it. The gates between the worlds are open... It´s the night when the souls of deceased family member can come back to visit. You should set a place on the table more .. and let it empty ... you should open a door or a window so the souls can see that they are invited... and they can come back for a short time.
In this night you should not view about your shoulder ... because you can be lost between the worlds.
This night is a fire-celebration day ... one time in the night all fires, candles, lights should switched off ... and you should start after a few minutes ..with new candles ..new lights...new flames for the fire ... its a sign for leaving the old .. and starting the new year.
The "pagan-law" says in this night all disputes between friends, family-members have to end ... but you can start a new dispute after sunrise *g ..
I have to serve food to foes .. for both parties any Battle is strictly prohibited ... Don´t break the Samhain-Peace
In this night you can renew or lengthen Friendship and marriage promises.. for 1- 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 years .. or for ever.
For me as a healer this date is very important.. because I can harvest herbs, plants, garden-fruits, vegetables... only till beginning of sunset.... then its strictly prohibited - till Ostara or Beltain .. All things, fruits, herbs which I have not harvested will be property of the nature spirits.
And its a time to remember ... lost friends... deceased friend and family- members...and a time to thank ..for what you got the last year...for new friends
The night ends with the first crow of a rooster... this closed the gates...and the year starts with sunrise.
Last year, I began preparing for Hallow-e'en in June! by October I'd run out of steam!
We, that is my housemate and I, had some friends round from work for a quiet nod to the old Celtic New Year. It ended with the Police!
I had a very problematic family move next door to me in the April of that year. They announced their arrival to the neighbourhood by having a hum-dinger of a row which spilled out in to the street with a fist fight between the occupants of the house.
Hallow-e'en night began with the neighbours kids Trick-Or-Treating. There was less emphasis on the treat and the trick part became intimidation as they threw fireworks at houses.
They had a part next door too, to which it seems all the local low-life was invited and by 10pm a small crowd had gathered around their and my house. There was a fair bit of antisocial behaviour when guests at next doors party began to pay attention to my house. I was actually ordered by one of them to keep away from the window when I had the temerity to look out and see what was going on. This, I knew, was going to escalate!
It did. Someone lifted the flap of my letter box and urinated in to the living room. Seeing me at the window someone banged on the door then tried the handle! I called the police who took the view that entry was being forced and they turned up with blue flashing lights within a few minutes of the call (I don't recall mentioning anything to the dispatcher about gay men cruising!)
The Police ushered those outside, inside and came to speak to me/us. They obviously decided that the word of half a dozen people enjoying a quiet drink in my home was weightier than the protestations and denials of 20 odd chavs and broke up the party sending those who didn't live there to their own homes. The patrol car stayed on the corner of the street for a while to make sure.
This year I'm blocking up my letter box, setting webcams to watch my home and I'm going to meet some friends in Liverpool. I might even lay down a few curses from my copy of The Witches Bible for any miscreants who dare repeat last years events.
Still, should be quiet-ish this year. Neighbours from hell were evicted and although the people next door now have young kids I don't anticipate anything on the scale of last year.
Odd though, the police officer told me that you can't get DNA from urine. Oh yes you bloody can! Does it not travel from the bladder down the urethra which contains Epithelial cells?
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Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Vigilias Wrote:....Odd though, the police officer told me that you can't get DNA from urine. Oh yes you bloody can! Does it not travel from the bladder down the urethra which contains Epithelial cells?
Not to mention its a blood product!
Someones telling pokies to brush you off it seems.
Halloween? I went Trick or Treating......once.
Never been a fan.:redface:
The only good thing. The sweets(Candy).
And we get so little trick or treaters(Normally a couple of pricks throwing eggs though) that I get eat a load of left overs anyway.:p
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so