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What do you do/want to do?
What's your occupation? And if you're not employed or in school or something then what are you studying or what do you hope to be?

I'm a student, I'm in my final year in school before university. Right now I'm studying business (accounting + management) and sociology. I've switched career paths so many times, from a pilot to interior designer until I finally got stuck in business/social sciences. I'm still not sure what I wanna be which is kind of bad considering where I'm at in life but I think I want to get into either psychology or human resource management.

What about you guys?

in school still
doing a graphics course

i sill have no idea what to do with life

meh i guess those are the olny things i like/am good at

Hey hey,

Firstly don't rush the job/uni decision. Take a yr off if you can, if you can't play it safe in a faculty, search around, pull up the course calendars and see if u may want to switch degree/departments. Alot of people don't know what is offered until they get into university and then see the course offerings, and then they get a better idea of what they can do.

I was at a loss as to what to do at university level, all I knew was I liked music, books, computers, gadgets, design and a few other random things lol. I ended up studying Information Technology, and it was pretty rewarding, straight out of university I got a job developing music tuition software (i did music since i was 7), so i was meshing two of my fave things. Right now though I'm applying to do a Masters in Library and Information Science, and home to eventually be a data archivist (hopefully for a smithsonian! but i'll settle for MoMA loll). Right now I'm a web developer, I do custom websites dealing with ppl who produce newsletters/publications and have a hard time organising their data online for it to be found. It sounds boring, but its lots of fun, you learn alot (if you maco what the publish) and it feels good to get results. one thing about the web is that it's abit "instant", you get the feel very early whether an idea has been lost in cyberspace or if ppl pick up on it.

for you, basically, first think of what you like. make a list. really. and then search for careers in that field. i always though after my degree i would be a database admin or something, then in my final yr i subscribed to an IT magazine and they had a job issue, and i had never seen sooo many IT related jobs that were soo cool, and could take you places.
anyways, when u find those careers, you have to then see what the requirements might be, go to the tertiary institutes, see what they offer, and build your career from that.

and remember, you don't neccesarily need to enter a degree programme to start off. there are many US and UK programmes that offer Basic Diplomas, then upgrade that to Advanced, then upgrade that to degree, so u can work towards getting a diploma, see if u like it etc.

there are options for everyone, you just have to find it, it is daunting, it takes time, but trust me, when you've found it you'll know u have

Aw, you reminded me of the time when I wanted to get into fashion photography (WAY too much America's Next Top Model). I'm still interested in it but I really don't know how I'll turn that into a careerwhere I'm at. Sad LOL I just realized how many times I say things like that, I hope you guys don't feel I live in the bush and swing on vines or something. I guess I CAN, but I just don't know how to start or go around doing it. Make a portfolio or something?

hajime.saitou Wrote:Alot of people don't know what is offered until they get into university and then see the course offerings, and then they get a better idea of what they can do.

Yeah, I realized while typing I hardly know what they offer...
Thanks for the advice! I keep thinking that I'm too laidback when it comes to the future since everyone around me is having an orgasm about scholerships and university applications.

When I was in high school, I loved to write a lot ( I wrote poems, short stories, ...) Also, I felt like myself have some interesting view about the world and I loved to travel so I dreamed to become a journalist.

However, life is not that easy, when I got to college, I noticed that journalist would not make money so I switched to Mechanical engineering. I am happy with my decision a lot since it is definitely better career. Also, I like to be challenged, and Mechanical engineering is one of the most challenging degree to pursue. (it also sounds very manly, isn't it Tongue ? )

On the other hand, deep down inside me, I know I want to x someone who will work for justice or for the cause of good like an agency for a non-profit organization or a lawyer. But you can't always get what you want right ? Big Grin

@Tux - shouldn't that be something big happening right now in trini? we had our first fashion week at the beginning of june or july, and fashion industry is seen to be an emerging industry. easy ways to get your work out - make a portfolio, watermark it and facebook it. freelance yourself to start with, fashion is something where you're going to have to seek out the clients and show them how your skills are better than others.

it is doable locally, one of my best friends is a local photographer, Khalid Barrow's website

he posted his pics on flickr, and every now and then ppl would msg him and offer to buy one of his photos.

Wow, some of those pictures are amazing! Trinidad's so pretty! I love the mountains especially, I've always wanted to take a hike up there and go into the clouds (especially with how it's raining so much these days) when they're down on them but I've heard SO many stories about what lurks in them. I see a lot of nice things to shoot but my dad is always driving and if I told him I want to stop and take a picture I could just imagine his response. LOL

And I completely forgot about that! I really should start reading the papers and watch the news more often. =\

I guess I shouldn't shoot down the idea of getting into photography so quickly.

I've considering becoming a journalist too (investigative journalism seems like so much fun!). You CAN be a journalist on the side though, it isn't like one of those full-time jobs... just write some articles and send them to some magazine or newspaper body.

I'd suggest keeping ones options open and perhaps not rushing into anything... I went straight to university out of highschool. After 3 years of not discovering a path and nearly graduating with a degree I wasn't much excited about, I took a couple years off... went back and finished in something I'm passionate about.

After working a few years as a chemical analyst at an environmental lab, I decided to join the peace corps and volunteer abroad for a couple years, which is where I am now.

Don't settle for something you're less than passionate about. And don't worry about making lots if money, the money you need will find you...

Good luck Wink

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I make music. When I grow up I'd like to be a musician Rolleyes

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