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Death Penalty for being gay
Unbelievable! That is truly horrific. Thanks for the alert, Wintereis. Do these nut jobs stand a good chance of getting in on this hateful ticket?

By the way, for us non-Americans, what does GOP mean, please? I'm none the wiser after looking at the Texas GOP website and an on-line dictionary that suggested the following possibilities among its entries:

God's Own Party, Grand Old Party, God Ordained Politicians, Guns are Our Priority, Government Of the People, Group Of Politicians, Gross Operating Profit, Greed Over People, Got Other Priorities, Get Old People, Greed Over Patriotism, Gas Oil Petroleum, Gluttons Of Privilege, Gauntlet Of Power, Gas, Oil, and Plutonium, Grand Old Politics, Grand Old Plutocrats, Gut Our Public, Grand Old Porkers, Great Opportunity Party ... etc

Well...they "think" they are "God's Own Party" Rolleyes It really isn't a ticket...the GOP Platform is the Republican Party's "official stance" in the State of Texas...the platform is intended to define the party's objectives and goals and the candidates are supposed to uphold these standards.

The Texas GOP has had such language for many years now...there are other places as well...some cities/counties in Alabama I think have made it illegal to BE gay....can't remember the specifics at the moment.

Back to Texas...they want to seceede from the US...I support their desire to do so.

eastofeden Wrote:... Back to Texas...they want to seceede from the US...I support their desire to do so.
I understand that, but wouldn't that be to abandon our glbt brothers and sisters and thwart any hope they might have? Land of the free? I'm beginning to think our Big Brother surveillance society in the UK might be a better option after all Sad

eastofeden Wrote:Back to Texas...they want to seceede from the US...I support their desire to do so.

Do they think it will work out better than the last time or do they want to return to Mexico?

marshlander Wrote:I understand that, but wouldn't that be to abandon our glbt brothers and sisters and thwart any hope they might have? Land of the free? I'm beginning to think our Big Brother surveillance society in the UK might be a better option after all Sad

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is also part of the Land of the free

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

everyone should be allowed to like what they want. as long as it hurts no-one else, it shouldnt be a crime.

marshlander Wrote:I understand that, but wouldn't that be to abandon our glbt brothers and sisters and thwart any hope they might have? Land of the free? I'm beginning to think our Big Brother surveillance society in the UK might be a better option after all Sad

Too late for that....We already have Big Brother...there are cameras everywhere though I don't think most people realize it. They are atop lightposts and traffic signals for "traffic reasons"Rolleyes

I have to admit personal bias in my statement and it is not entirely rational. I am not a fan of Texas (that is putting it mildly). The Texas Republicans and ENRON basically forced themselves on the State of California and replaced our Govenor after they manipulated our energy and forced an emergency financial crisis....and after EIGHT YEARS of Texas Boy GW Bush I have had quite enough of Texas and anything to do with it.

My response is emotional and I dislike Texas so much that I am not even willing to overcome my irrational emotionsBiggthumpup My advice to gay Texans...move!:biggrin: (Just Kidding)

I think texas has shoved its beloved bible so far up its ass that its starting to make me question the posibility of self inflicted brain damage.

WHY is this even remotly legal?!
WHY isn't this in the news?!
Obviously love isn't important to the state of texas.:frown:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

Genersis Wrote:WHY is this even remotly legal?!
WHY isn't this in the news?!

It's only a political platform, politicians claiming what they would like to do and America respects free-speech. I suspect it isn't in the news partly because Texas Republicans have said similar things before and partly because it's reckoned that they won't do (or be able to) much of what they claim.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

theres even worse stories to this, often in south Africa it is common practice for males (usually religiously bound) to rape lesbians (sometimes to death) in an effort to "fix the problem"

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