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I will be the next Tom Ford!!!...I hope so anyway
So I went to a meeting with some buyers & distributors for a retailer called H&M in Arizona. It is in a high-end mall here in Scottsdale. It is a fabulous store!!!

Anyway, I decided to book a meeting with them and brought a few samples with me to this meeting. I design clothes as a hobby and alot of my own outfits are my own creation. Well, they decided to buy 12 pieces to carry in their store for the upcoming spring retail season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so stoked because like, I use to just goof around with this and like not really consider it a career option...BUT I took a chance and it is slowly paying off!!!

I can't wait for the new year!!!!

Thats all...

peace & love


Wonderful positive, enlightening news
Shazzam! blitz! fireworks!!! :dance3:Cheerleader2ClapElefant:dance3:Cheerleader2ClapElefant

WOW congrats!!! it will be cool if in the future, I see you on TV and told me fellows, hey it 's the guy I talked to on a message board!

Congrats man Big Grin

Congrats Jade Ari. That's an awesome accomplishment that a lot of inspiring fashion designers would envy and dream of.

Good luck with the line and furthermore, good luck with your career in fashion industry. I hope one day you will mingle with Tom Ford in a party discussing about fashion and stuff (Btw if you do, do get his contact number. Copy and paste it to me. Drool that guy).

Many congratulations. What exciting news! So, will we see your designs in H&M shops in Europe too?

WOW!!! That's really great.

who's Tom Ford now???

May I present you Tom Ford.

[Image: Tom-Ford.jpg]

One of the most influential designers of the last decade.

congrats Jade ! Smile always happy when people are making creative careers work, gives me hope...

would be great to see some pics...best of luck to you

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