I would date persons with dentures, glass-eyes, wooden-legs, with 6 toes, 12 fingers, plastic-ears, 3 - 5 nippels, false hairs.... but I admit ... I would be happy if not all would be on one person ... :biggrin:
I kind of know how this guy feels, i have missing back molar on my left side. A few years ago i was eating a BP&J sandwich and the jam had seeds in it. One of the seeds got sideways or something an when i bit down my molar exploded. To this day that was the most pain i have ever felt in my life, it was the closest i have ever came to crying in my adult life.
Anyway sometimes when i get talking or laughing i get self-consciousness that the molar gap is noticeable, but I can still chew food and what not so it's not on the same level i guess.
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I'd date someone with dentures.
Least you'd be able to eat properly and feel a little more confidant. With an added bonus of you're teeth looking good.

Rather than having to put up with living with bad teeth constantly AND feeling self concious about it .:frown:
Though i couldn't say anyting to do with what its like to live with dentures. Or what the percidure would be.:redface:
fenris Wrote:I would date persons with dentures, glass-eyes, wooden-legs, with 6 toes, 12 fingers, plastic-ears, 3 - 5 nippels, false hairs.... but I admit ... I would be happy if not all would be on one person ... :biggrin:
Would be a bit...much.:tongue:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
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Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
TimmyThink Wrote:I kind of know how this guy feels, i have missing back molar on my left side. A few years ago i was eating a BP&J sandwich and the jam had seeds in it. One of the seeds got sideways or something an when i bit down my molar exploded. To this day that was the most pain i have ever felt in my life, it was the closest i have ever came to crying in my adult life.
Anyway sometimes when i get talking or laughing i get self-consciousness that the molar gap is noticeable, but I can still chew food and what not so it's not on the same level i guess.
I have a molar missing from when i had teeth removed for my braces when i was 11.
Though no one has ever noticed, i still feel a little self concious.:redface:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so