Oh I got told that you can turn someone gay by calling them babe or hun etc. This was amazing. And thank you for finally telling me what the homosexual agenda is. This is actually the first time I'v been told what the homosexual agenda is!
The idea of a "gay agenda" came from the 1989 book, "After the Ball" by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. It contained a theoretical public relations exercise rather than a manifesto, but the conservative right has used it ever since as evidence of a dastardly plot for homosexual supremacy. Weird how fear affects people.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
Guess it depends which religious group we are dealing with what the agenda is, truthfully with everything I have experianced the common ground is more important than the differances, agenda, yeah I guess, to be accepted as human beings with the same hopes and dreams as most of our hetrosexual "equals", we only have a small differance in ourselves, which is probably minor in comparision to what goes on in hetros, James
Well I'v been out of the closet for three years now and only today I'v been told exactly what the gay agenda is! I'v heard so much about it but never been told exactly what it was.