02-13-2011, 06:18 AM
you are the one i think about every day
i see your face in the frozen water
the wind and shadows speak about you to me
the snow is a reminder of all the fun we had
we will be together in the snow laughing again
this night that day always the same heartbroken boy
every night i cry myself sleep quietly thinking of you
why cant it go back to what it was
please i want you
i need you
come back to me
by Gary Anubis
i see your face in the frozen water
the wind and shadows speak about you to me
the snow is a reminder of all the fun we had
we will be together in the snow laughing again
this night that day always the same heartbroken boy
every night i cry myself sleep quietly thinking of you
why cant it go back to what it was
please i want you
i need you
come back to me

by Gary Anubis