well I had one friend of mine ask me how to clean his keyboard because it was sticky from well I won't mention .. but that's not the kind of response I was looking for!
I'll just assume whats going through my dirty mind as true. If you're looking for a serious answer on how to clean it, Q-tips might help?
I suggested licking it or throwing it out!
UUUGhh! Hahah, licking it! Eww.
Though I'd laugh if it were a family computer, I can't imagine what I'd do. Smething desperate maybe, like poor hot coffee over it, and blame it on the dog.
which would turn into throwing it out and buying a new one!
maybe I should start selling keyboards for a living!
If he really likes the keyboard, he can pop all the keys and have at it with slightly damp Q-Tip.
thinking the damage may be too far gone
HHAHhah, imagine if it were a laptop!