03-01-2011, 04:53 PM
So.., you know, what a mad couple of days i've had with you guys!, really its awesome!! 
You guys have helped me with advice, let me break out into my wild side
even more...
Some of you don't know what an awesome impact your leaving on others, each and everyone one of us help eachother out everyday, were doing more then we could ever ask for and that is something you have to thank a person for, so this is a thread to you know let out your thanks to that specail user or users, so here's mine
I wanna thank...
TyD,XRIMO,Kiid,UltraDude,Toomuch45, You guys are awesome friends! really are ♥
I also wanna thank the people that don't know me but have helped me through some serious threads, Like 'Bad boy cravings', That got alot of hits, so i wanna thank the people that answered on there...
Zeon,Fredv3b,Circuit,Virgin,JoeyJoJo,SlipknotRlZZ,matty7,Beaux,Mr.Not So Lonley...
Also to the others, you know who you are, and yeah leave your thanks to any user!, i think it'd be a great way to show how much people have touched our hearts.
P.S - If i didn't write your name down, just e slap the hell outta me, Ha![/B][/COLOR]

You guys have helped me with advice, let me break out into my wild side

Some of you don't know what an awesome impact your leaving on others, each and everyone one of us help eachother out everyday, were doing more then we could ever ask for and that is something you have to thank a person for, so this is a thread to you know let out your thanks to that specail user or users, so here's mine

I wanna thank...
TyD,XRIMO,Kiid,UltraDude,Toomuch45, You guys are awesome friends! really are ♥
I also wanna thank the people that don't know me but have helped me through some serious threads, Like 'Bad boy cravings', That got alot of hits, so i wanna thank the people that answered on there...
Zeon,Fredv3b,Circuit,Virgin,JoeyJoJo,SlipknotRlZZ,matty7,Beaux,Mr.Not So Lonley...
Also to the others, you know who you are, and yeah leave your thanks to any user!, i think it'd be a great way to show how much people have touched our hearts.
P.S - If i didn't write your name down, just e slap the hell outta me, Ha![/B][/COLOR]