Hi ya! I also have Netflix and LOVE it, they have a fantastic selection and many are avaliable to watch instantly.
A few selections in the watch instantly catagory you may like:
Another Country (closest to the time period that you requested and a excellent movie, Britsh)
The Living End (80's AIDS drama with a twist, part of the Araki series, really a must see)
The Doom Generation (2nd and imo best of the Araki series)
Nowhere (originaly titled Fuxxing Nowhere, final of the Araki series--bizzare but really good) (A note on the series: they can be watched independently, the plots do not carry over from one to the other, BUT having watched them in order, I can say that there is a very subtle theme that I found facinating)
Burnt Money (spanish, but subtitles avaliable if you dont speak it; I really LOVED this movie)
Edward II (I really enjoyed this movie but it IS done in the style of the plastic theater and didnt recive the best reviews; pretty sexy stuff though and roughly based on actual events)
Urbania (really slow but poignant, I have to admit that it bored me at times HOWEVER by the end the message really touched me.)
Good Luck and Happy Viewing!
