03-22-2011, 12:38 AM
Genersis Wrote:You're Welcome.:biggrin: Let me know what faction you end up playing as eh?mile:
Ahh. My first RTS was C&C on the N64. Fun times. SupCom 2 is about as complex as the C&C games.
Oh, and Zeon, Leave those poor villigers alone.
...Or wait untill you have a nuke at least.:biggrin:
Speaking of nukes. SupCom Has Nuclear warfare. :biggrinthe Seraphim faction has SUPER NUKES:eek:.)
did u ever play populous the beginning??? I am still hooked on that game except i would win by building loads of towers and putting bible bashers outside my village in hoarders of 17 or more together with fire warriors nearby... Or id just watcjh each tribe batter each othert tribe until they are all extinct except one and when its weak summond my army of 300 to go in and use my leader to cast tornado and thunder on the local church hut tornado on the fire and sink the houses to decrease population i would then send my army of fire warriors to burn thier leader to prevent any spells before getting my preachers to go to conver tthe colours to the blue tribe