Final Fantasy VII is a totally epic game. That's the 2nd RPG I like. I only made it through one disc (for those who don't know, that game is 3 discs... that's why it's epic). Sadly, I never continued it. :/
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My Favorite Game series would be Armored Core.  mile:
Simply because of the customization. You build a Giant robot. to be ok with numbers and have ALOT of time to make one though.:redface
But my favorite game of all
I couldn't say....swear I told Shadz an answer to this question once.....I'll have to ask him what i said.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Sil Wrote:damn, this is tough...
Monkey Island 1 For nostalgia; I have a real soft spot for those old point-and-click adventures
Man! I remember this one. I loved it when I was little.
I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft lately, it is my favorite game. Especially now that Cataclysm is out.
Oh, I realized that you guys are also sharing your past favourites, so I decided to add my past favourites too, the ones I loved when I was little.
Doom 2. (The first game I played, I used to love to fall a sleep over the demo.
Diablo 2
Warcraft 2
Monkey Island
Lemmings. (Loads of tiny little guys that you have to get from one end to another.
Hugo, similar to Monkey Island, if I remember correctly
Screamer, A car-racing game
GTA, the first one.
And I'm probably forgetting some
Tekken 1
Tekken 2
Tekken 3
Prince of Percia
Bugs Bunny
A few racing, skiing, bicicle, snow-boarding and skate-boarding games that I can't remember the name of.
and like before, I'm probably forgetting something.
I can't believe no one has said THE single greatest game of all time yet.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Ever since it's release in 1998 for the Nintendo 64, it has held the TOP position on (and whatever other gaming sites that compile review scores.) Which means no other game (since 1998, or ever) has ever received higher reviews than LoZ: OoT. That's right. It's NEVER BEEN DETHRONED! It seriously is the greatest game ever and will always be my favorite.
It was completely revolutionary, bringing Zelda to 3D. The story and pacing of the game blended perfectly with the intuitive gameplay, HUGE and diverse overworld, many sidequests, amazing weapons, deep characters, renowned music, unbelievable temple design, and some of the most epic bosses you will ever, ever fight.
It has been re-released several times, though never truly updated because it is still completely playable and enjoyable in its original form. There is a remake/port planned for Nintendo 3DS, but no one knows really how different it will be.
I <3 OoT!
Super Smash Brothers , Super SB Melee, Super SB Brawl, Golden Sun, Golden Sun - The Lost Age, Castlevania Series, Fire Emblem Series, Capcom Vs SNK 2, Marvel Vs Capcom, Dead Or Alive - Hardcore, Soul Calibur Series, Resident Evil 4, Donkey Kong Country 1 2 & 3, Metal Gear Solid - Snake Eater, Tenchu series and last but not least, Kirby 64
Digital Devil Saga. It's just amazing~
I liked the first one but the second one I couldn't put down. It had me hooked and I kept playing to find out what would happen next. I really liked the "unconventional" subject matter it had in it as well.
Of course, near the end the story started going a BIT downhill but overall it was a blast to play.
Oh, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy IV, IX and X are also some of my favorites as well.
I... never really understood why people liked FFVII that much, I just started replaying it though so maybe I'd be able to appreciate it more after I finish it.