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parents and gay kids.
why is it that parents dont like there kids being gay?
like my mom for example.
when i told her i was gay, she totally ignored it.
whenever i tryed to say anything about it, she told me she didnt wana hear about.
i tryed to tell her about my 1st girlfriend (my first love).
she still didnt wanna hear about it.
when my 1st broke up with me, i didnt have my mommy to help me thru it...
she knew i was hurt cos i would lay in bed all day for weeks and weeks and months and cry.
i would barely leave my bed.
she didnt even ask me wht was wrong Sad
i think it wouldve gone better if i had my mom for support...
some times i feel like ending it cos my mom will never be apart of my life and stuff.
i get harrased at school and i cant even come to her for it.
i hate being gay.
i hate not having a mom. ugh.

Man don't hate yourself and your mom will come around.... my mom is doing the same to me and I'm 24 I told her I was gay at 19 so don't worry she still loves you even tho she don't show it

Keep your head

Hey Ive been in that place. When My mom found out I got the hardcore bible treatment. She made me hate who I was and all the self esteem was sucked out of me. In retrospect my introverted aproach to my moms treatment lead to me being picked on where as if i had stood up for myself no one wouldve payed any mind to me. I was downtrodden for 10 years of my life untill very recently I discovered that I am my own person. And had I offed myself like I planed to all those years ago I wouldve never met my best friend kayleigh. I wouldnt have this amazing relationship with my sister and brother. I know it hurts but you have to show your mom that you are the same confident strong child you were raised to be. When you get your heart broken show her how much stronger you are BECAUSE you are gay. Show her how much happier you can be BECAUSE you are yourself. You have time. All the time in the world. I was unlucky enough to have the mother I did. She was stubborn and manipulating and Die hard religious. My problems with my mother extend far beyond me being gay.
Let your mother figure this out. Dont take no for an answer. Its hard. But you have to show her the real you and she will see that you are still the person she raised. You are Her child. And the kids at school wont have anything to say if you act like yourself. Be confident and outgoing. Your a gay women. Hell Im afraid of you guys sometimes. Ive never seen a more terrifying sight then an angry lesbian Big Grin. Now tha I have re found myself and my confidence I just dont care anymore. When the guys at work make fun because I listen to GaGa I say Fuck you and they laugh. then suddenly we are friends. BE You. people pick up on it when your quiet. They pick up on the insecurities. So be loud. Be as loud as you can. Show them 'Yea Im the school lesbian, What of it?". I know they say we shouldnt label ourselves but Dammit just go for it. Label yourself. put yourself into words that they are too afraid to say. Simplify it to the point that they cant read between the lines. You are THIS. earn the respect you undoubtedly deserve for putting up with that shit.
And when you walk into school with that confidence, everyone will see the change instantly. The haters will see that you are not what they thought. and Having that courage and confidence is infectious. When I came out its because my old friend justin came to school after years of silence and speculations and said "Fuck you all IMGAY". He walked around with his head high and I thought "well shit a brick. you mean life doesnt have to feel like this?" so I came out. and the last two years in school were full of memories I dont ever want to forget. People respected me. All the cheerleaders wanted to talk to me in study. My friends instantly noticed how much better I was. At home I was different because I was dealing with miss "psycho-bible-druggy-use ur ss# for oil-mommy dearest" but when I was at school I felt untouchable. Hell my ROTC instructor saw my triumph and made me the Flight comander.

So its not just words. Stand up for yourself. Because no one else can. Its hard to build that up. But always think about where you want to be at graduation. do you want to be the girl who sits in the back row and gets mild aplause? or the girl who people cheer for not because she was popular but because she was amazing as a person? You dont need to be fixed my dear. Just strengthened.

only you can live your own life and you have to watch that your life is a good life and from a point in your life you have to decide who is on your side and who is not on your side.

With friends it is really "easy"... if they don´t respect your way of life you can break up the friendship.... but family is a special thing...especially parents. But your parents can not live your life, too. I think is is very important to tell them that they have to respect you it´s not their fault that you are gay... but it is not your fault, too. And to be gay is not bad.. or a sin ..or against your parents or whatever. If they try to change you into a "hetero-sexual standart guy with family, kids, dog and garden" tell them a few times peacefully there is no way to change you ... and then, if you feel nothing helps tell them that they have to respect you and if they want to be a part of your further life they have to accept you or you have to life your life without them.
Don´t hate yourselt for being gay... its not bad ...and it can be a wonderful live but you maybe have defend your way of life....

Hiya Zombie,
Dont hate yourself babes your still a cracking person regardless what anyone may say or do... Your mother is (forgive me) a selfish right winged bitch... Your her flesh and blood your a part of her and she should be a damn rtrue mother give you a hug and tell you everything will be fine... When i told my mum i was gay she gave me a hug and said look i dont mind what you are you are my son and i love you as much as i love any other child of mine... I would rather be a good parent and know what is going on with my children than pretend they are any different..

Dont let your mum make you feel like your not worth what you are because its not worth it... We are your family on here if yiou feel you havent got anyone else to turn to...

One day your mum may see sense but until then bear with it and when you move out of home things may be easier babes

Kindest regards and massive bloody hugs

zeon xxxxxxxxxxx

p.s remember we are like family here and that includes you babes

my parents know I have lesbian tendencies I told them but they dont mind I bet it would be harder if your a boy

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