Alright, although today has been a relatively sad day for me, i am proud of myself for doing this finally. I came to my mom today, i toldher i was bisexual. She took it really well. lols though she said if i was not sure, i shoudl experimet, lmfao thats the first time i ever heard of a mom telling her 16 year old to experiment if i was not sure. Kind of an awkward moment lols, but anyway, she took it really well. Now i have to figure out how to tell my dad. I'm planning on coming out to my sis during this summer, when i'm over at her house.
Either way, i'm glad to have finally told at least one of my parents. Finally told her about ryan as well, no i did not mention that he is my boyfriend yet, but i have told her that he said he loves me.
BUt yeah, that was a good part of my day. It really does get better!!
Grats, man!
And if you told her that you said a guy loves you and if she knows you guys hang out together, then I'm sure she's pretty aware of what's going on. 
She sounds like she took it well, so she may just be waiting on you to tell her the rest when you're ready.
But good to hear!
congrulations im very proud of you  mile:
and i hope your day gets better
Wow congrats on the nice reaction
Lovelyraveboy Wrote:Alright, although today has been a relatively sad day for me, i am proud of myself for doing this finally. I came to my mom today, i toldher i was bisexual. She took it really well. lols though she said if i was not sure, i shoudl experimet, lmfao thats the first time i ever heard of a mom telling her 16 year old to experiment if i was not sure. Kind of an awkward moment lols, but anyway, she took it really well. Now i have to figure out how to tell my dad. I'm planning on coming out to my sis during this summer, when i'm over at her house.
Either way, i'm glad to have finally told at least one of my parents. Finally told her about ryan as well, no i did not mention that he is my boyfriend yet, but i have told her that he said he loves me.
BUt yeah, that was a good part of my day. It really does get better!!
That's so wonderful that she accepts you, I'm so glad you had a positive experience, tell her I give her a high five for accepting you. Too many parents can't accept their children unfortunately...
My mum would be the last person i would tell...well done on that..
Lovelyraveboy Wrote:Alright, although today has been a relatively sad day for me, i am proud of myself for doing this finally. I came to my mom today, i toldher i was bisexual. She took it really well. lols though she said if i was not sure, i shoudl experimet, lmfao thats the first time i ever heard of a mom telling her 16 year old to experiment if i was not sure. Kind of an awkward moment lols, but anyway, she took it really well. Now i have to figure out how to tell my dad. I'm planning on coming out to my sis during this summer, when i'm over at her house.
Either way, i'm glad to have finally told at least one of my parents. Finally told her about ryan as well, no i did not mention that he is my boyfriend yet, but i have told her that he said he loves me.
BUt yeah, that was a good part of my day. It really does get better!!
If she hasn't already, you should get your mum to tell your Dad, spare yourself any akward moments.
When I was ready to come out, I told my cousin who I knew would tell his mum, who would tell EVERYONE. Mum would bring me in a bowl of cereal every morning so to test I had been outed to all, I convinced my bf to stay over. In comes mum the next morning, sees us both in bed together (I'm pretending to be asleep), she doesn't bat an eyelid. So I never officially came out or had any of those awkward conversations but my bf is invited to every family occasion as a member of the family.
His family though, couldn't be more different, they have 2 gay children (of out 3) and their Dad refuses to go to any family event where the gay partners are invited, it's sad really - he missed his daughters 21st, Xmas dinners etc.
Inhj loz, that's rough. I can never imagine what life would be like if my dad was like that. See I came out to him a week after I told my mom. Though I can never seem to tell him I have a boyfriend, my mom knows I am going out with Ryan, and that he's 18. She seemed a little concerned when I told her that though. I ask why and she asks me, you know you can't be physical until your of age as well right? I was like whoa, it's nowhere near physical. Although it would be nice to get a little physical sometimes hahaha.
But anyways, it's great that they were all excepting. I am over at my sisters right now, I plan on telling her eventually next week, maybe she already knows, besides it says on my Facebook that am bisexual. So they should already know maybe.
Again, congrats that everyone is accepting