I haven't read much about it, saw a Zero Punctuation review of it though, that's hilarious.
My uneducated reaction is that everyone's expecting so much from a game that took so long to finally come out.
Call of Duty
Operation Flashpoint
Medal of Honor
These are my favorite FPS (First Person Shooters) games. Operation Flashpoint is an extremely realistic military game, you gun can (and will) jam, you MUST conserve ammo, and one hit and your down. I recommend Operation Flashpoint for advanced gamers, and military personnel. As for Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Medal of Honor, they are your classic run-and-gun style games.
What about Tycoon/Manager type of games? I think they are a tiiny bit better than shooter games. And I could recommend more titles, lol.
The best FPS games are Call of Duty, MW2 and Black Ops for online and co-op play and soon MW3 later this year. :biggrin: