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Any comments on this book?
The Pink Swastika: Nazism was founded on homosexualism

Anybody know about this book?

Orthodox rabbis demanded resignation of Congressman Weiner beause his behavior was tantamount to open homosexuality.

These are New York City stories for local coverage on tv. I heard no reference on national networks of Jewish demands.

Orthodox Jews are praying outside NY Stock Exchange for removal of homosexual influence on economy, education, unionism, civil rights. They say gay community is lying. We are not oppressed. We are the oppressors. Gays are deliberately destroying family life to complete our takeover of education of young in America.

Rabbis warn of impending gay takeover of global community. They are demanding a constitutional amendment to ban sex outside of marriage. NY Catholic bishops and NY moslem community agree. Rabbis demanded the removal of Governors Spitzer and Patterson for their adulterous conduct.

Zionist community says God will not tolerate an independent Israel as long as Israel allows gays in the military.

Why is Jewish hate speech in New York not being reported by Fox, msnbc and 3 networks to American community. Neither Demorats or Republicans will comment in opposition to Jewish opinions on any subject.

My new neighbor in senior citizen housing in Bloomfield NJ gives lectures every day that Adolf Hitler was a homosexual. Entire Nazi high command were homosexuals. German homosexuals ordered the extermination of Jews.

This runs contrary to my beliefs and understanding of gay rights. I am not trying to destroy anybodys concept of family. My new neighbor says I am brainwashed by gays.

I need some help on this. She recites facts and reads Jewish literature including Bible to my neighbors. She says all major religions condemn homosexual behavior and it must be ended before American economy can improve. Her belief that God is angry at America is accepted by virtually everyone who listens to her. Everyone comments on how well read and prepared she is. She welcomes debates from people who believe in God. Bloomfield NJ has a very large and very influential community of Orthodox Jews. Locally Jews have a reputation for being very spiteful when questioned. FBI regularly reports all antisemitic comments to ADL-AntiDefamationLeague. I am biting my tongue since I don't want my apartment trashed.

Anyone got any ideas? I heard rumors about Hitler a few years ago but I didn't pay attention at that time. I no longer can ignore this rumor.
I certainly believe gays at this site engage in bullying other gays.

Hitter? A homosexual? It's nothing but rumours to my knowledge.
I've heard religious fundie's claiming that before.(To rally the ignorant against us)

From what i know, homosexuals were wiped-out alongside the Jews and the other impure.:mad:
Though some would claim this to be "liberal brainwashing" and lies. *Tuts*

You might find this useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexuality_of_Adolf_Hitler

I'm not surprised the media/people are unwilling to bring negative attention to Jewish homophobia. For fear of being branded anti-Semitic. Which is a card that could easily be played against them. And with such serious connotations, i'm sure they will try to avoid that outcome.

It seems like the more progress we make with equal rights, the more extreme the religious extremists are getting.
Hopefully i'm wrong.:frown:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

People have been talking trash about each other since the beginning of time. Gossip is the world's number one export. It destroys lives and livelihoods. It cheapens humanity and it has the ability to destroy nations.

In the end, though, it's just a bunch of words made up to hurt this group or that group. The truth is: it's usually based on deception and many people who can't mentally cut through the chatter are often victims of its cruelty. Even groups that know you dislike them will cunningly use their OWN reputation to soil someone else's reputation. It's a slick game that spin doctors play with the media.

People have been scape goating since the dawn of civilization. It's always someone else's fault for why life is difficult.

Just imagine. You are the owner of corporation XYZ and you know that the market has lost it's faith in your company. In fact there's even a scandal going on in the media about your company. You're company is going to dissolve and you know you can't stop it. So what can you do to get back in the game to stay afloat? Easy. Discredit your competitors. How? Just make it look like your competitor ABC Company has been secretly on your company's side. So now ABC Company looks like it is as bad as your company (XYZ Company). Now if anyone tries to talk trash about your company then they are, invariably, putting down the ABC Company too. This pulls ABC down to your level. Now your company has a fighting chance at survival.

Nations use this very technique to talk their enemies down in the media. If one nation has a bad track record then the best way to pull their enemy down is to claim their enemy was an ally with them when they were being bad......or even worse......claim that their enemy really was THEM after all. And to make it even more devastating...publish it in a book because people will believe what's in print.

Slick trick.

Cruel? Yes. But effective? Most definitely.

gilhooly Wrote:Orthodox Jews are praying outside NY Stock Exchange for removal of homosexual influence on economy, education, unionism, civil rights. They say gay community is lying. We are not oppressed. We are the oppressors. Gays are deliberately destroying family life to complete our takeover of education of young in America.

Wait.....what...no....we're far to busy running the entertainment industry and the fashion industry and planning parades and bitching about what Sandra Bullock is wearing on the red carpet, not to mention all the time wasted on having dirty, dirty butt sex.

I hope you are wrong too, Genersis. It is like a background noise I am hearing for 3 years. Jews say gays are destroying everything. So far it is a NYC story not national. The sudden resignation of Wiener for reasons I couldn't follow baffled me. I immediately started kidding old women that I would send them pictures of me in underwear. They laughed. I said ==stop laughing==I am 65 6'1" and 180 lbs and I look better than Weiner in underwear. Old women are raunchy unlike old men. The first time I got on senior bus to supermarket 10 old ladies told the driver to take off and leave that bitch Patty to walk home. I laughed and asked why==what's wrong with Patty. She spends all winter in Florida at nude senior resorts. I almost peed. If I see that short fat woman walking around nude in New Jersey we should receive a $300 rent reduction. Poor Patty has no idea why everyone says someone is sitting there==even when seat is empty. It took me about 3 weeks of Patty before I started to mutter what an obnoxious bitch Patty is.
I liked senior housing until about a month ago. An extremely polite well educated Jewish woman moved in. She gives daily lectures on the horrors created by gays in Europe. No one including myself feels she is a bigot. But her lectures make me feel she is ripping my balls off. Gays are responsible for everything wrong in America. I agree that things are wrong with America but I know I didn't tell Patty to go to nude resorts. Somehow she brings everything back to gay porn. I find it hard to defend pornography to the world. It seems like a private decision to me. I feel like I am being nailed to floor. I do not want to argue in favor of masturbation. adultery. abortion, dildoes and every potentially explosive issue in front of many strangers. The new woman calmly supports morality as if it can't be disputed. I, too, like corny family values. I say things like we are not all that perfect in our private lives. She answers we must try to be perfect--it is what God expects from us. In the back of my mind I want to be humorous with her. She is not a teacher open to humor just facts.

She is not a teacher open to humor just facts.

Facts? I think not. She is Fred Phelps with a little more poise. See her for what she is and be done with her. Her "facts" are lies. I never let anyone else define "morality" for me and neither should you in my opinion. Tell her that.

Also tell her that the New World Order crowd has said the exact same thing about the Jews that she is saying about gays...and they have been saying it for years. Tell her that her hate is boring and an original thought might be nice.

I have 2 ways of dealing with world. I get very very angry when dealing with people like this woman OR I start to laugh like a very very weird gay guy. Srcew this lady. I will remember the first male I ever fell in love with. He was noticeably bigger than me and he had red curly hair. We met under unusual circumstances. I call it "reverse babysitting". I was 5 and my mother needed a babysitter for me. She couldn't find one. My mom's friend, Mrs. Reilly, says send Johnny over to me. I will watch him. It's OK. I am cleaning the house and Johnny won't get in the way. I told my Mom I never had a reverse babysitter. Couldn't you get someone to come to our house. My Mom says I'll do fine at the Reillys. You know the Reillys. You know the Reillys from church. I smile and ask if Mrs. Reilly is Danny's mom. She says yes. I am elated to go to Danny's house. Danny is about 15 0r 16 and he talks to me like I am a human being. Not a stupid 5 yr. old but a real grownup like Danny and his friend. George. I can't wait and start to leave without my Mom. Johnny, mommy can't run, slow down you brat. We arrive. Mrs. Reilly is cleaning the house. Tells me to sit in the kitchen. The kitchen is devoid of chairs. I spot chairs on counter. I can't reach them so I decide to sit and wait on floor. I look up and almost shit in my pants. I have no idea what this horrible red thing is. It is approaching me warily or hungrily or menacingly. I am not sure. It stops with its large wet black nose almost touching mine. It opens its mouth. It has decided to eat me so I close my eyes. I hate the sight of blood particularly my own. About 5 seconds go by. An incredibly slimy wet thing is dragged up my face from chin to hairline. I open my eyes. Red thing has a tail which is wagging furiously at me. Are you a dog I ask. He wags his tail yes I am a dog. Are you going to eat me I ask. He seems quizzical but wags. Can we be friends I ask. He jumps on my chest and furiously starts licking me. Repeatedly I beg him to stop tickling me. He ignores my requests. His tail is pounding the floor so hard Mrs. Reilly comes to investigate the noise. Johnny, I see you've met our dog Gypsy. Talk about love at first site. I was delirious that Gypsy loved me as madly as I loved him, I couldn't believe that an animal that outweighed me by over 60 lbs could be so gentle. Mrs. Reilly said Gypsy was Danny's dog...My new lover also knew my best friend Danny. Casually I ask Gypsy if he knew where Danny was. He wagged his tail yes and led me to Danny's bedroom. Eureka!!! Both Danny and George were there. Nonchalantly I told Danny his mother was watching me. There was no way in the world I would use the word babysit. When I was with Danny he never treated me like a damn baby. Gypsy jumped on Danny's bed. Danny called Gypsy a goddamn "cow". Danny picked up Gypsy and threw him at George. George retaliated. George flung me at Danny. The war of boy and dog throwing continued until Mrs. Reilly demanded to know what noise was all about. My God you people will wake the dead!! Danny said we better cool it before his mother flipped out. I had dinner with the Reillys that night. George stayed too.
Since I am writing for a gay audience you already recognize George. He later became famous as the Hippy-Dippy-Weatherman. The man who specialized in the seven words you can't say on television. He was a good monologist for HBO Specials. What I remember best about George Carlin is that Gypsy seemed to love him almost as much as Gypsy loved me. Please tell Hollywood reporters that an informant of yours told you that George Carlin was in love with a big red haired guy called Gypsy by his friends.
I know why that Jewish lady should not be believed. She doesn't like dogs any better than gays. She doesn't believe dogs go to heaven either...Hey God, stick gays with pets and comedians. We don't want to spend eternity with homophobes. Bite us you silly woman!!!!!

I am by no means an historian, so I would have to bow to many on here whose knowledge is far greater than mine, but I have come across a few references to homosexual activity within the hierarchy of the Nazi Party in Germany (including this one).

There have always been boys who enjoy gang membership and being part of some special group (and I don't just mean the violent gangs that mainstream media loves to report). Where these were organised and formalised as in the case of the Wandervogel and later, perhaps, the Hitler Youth, it seems not unlikely that the leadership of such gangs probably attracted some people who were hebephiliacs or ephebophiliacs as well as gay men. The distinctions between homosexuality and paedophilia have not always been as well understood as they are now ... and we all know how many people continue to obfuscate Sad The line between the Aryan ideal and homoeroticism seems to have been pretty indistinct at times. Selective use of contemporary literature and imagery could bolster a case for a homosexualist dynamic within the National Socialist Party.

As to a gay agenda, I'm not sure. This popularist notion received a boost with the publication of "After The Ball" (Kirk, Marshall; Madsen, Hunter (1989). After the ball: how America will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the '90s), which outlined a possible public relations strategy were homosexuals ever to organise to fight prejudice and bigotry. The publication of the book provided "evidence" to the haters that there was, and remains, a "gay agenda". The fact that we know how stupid this idea is does not stop stupid, frightened and malevolent people spreading the rumours.

Unfortunately it seems that some of these voices are very powerful :mad:

Berlin in the 1920 years had one of the freest and enlightened gay-szene of the time. See Magnus Hirschfeld. You have to imagine this time IN BERLIN ( not in the villages and small towns ) as a very free time, open lesbian and gay living people were accepted like [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire_Waldoff"]Claire Waldoff
and Nudism in Sports and Holidays were normal.... this changed with the growing influence of the Nazi Party ( nsdap ).
The only open gay living homosexual in the leadership of the NSDAP was Ernst Roehm and he was killed on command of Hitler ( see Röhm Putsch ) as self-defense of the State, after that Homosexuality was a crime ( from 1872 § 175 ... as nazi law increased to a official tracked crime and valid in germany till 1969 ).
So it was impossible that a homosexual could be a part of the leadership of the 3.REich. The suspicion alone was sufficient to send someone into the Concentration Camps ( first Dachau, near munich ) see here.

The Ideology was to have as much children as possible ( ARIAN-Children... you know .. blonde, blue eyed and nordic ) and by example for the SS-Troups it was a command to produce kids ( soldiers ) as much as possible, with married or not married women... and it was inofficial allowed to have more then one wife. And gay men and lesbian women have the problem that they don´t produce kids... so it was a crime. ( briefly explained )

A good example in a movie btw book is Europa, Europa from Solomon Perell... a jewish boy born in Peine, near Braunschweig in Germany ... who was a Hitlerjunge ( because nobody knows he was a jew only a gay Wehrmacht-Soldier and both kept their secrets to themselves )



[Image: palestine-flag-tshirt.jpg]

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