Marky is probably right, he's probably only offering some fooling around, which isn't wrong per se... Anyway you've got to get the experience somewhere.... However, I feel that you felt flattered that this man was interested in you in the first place, and probably if you lost your mind it was because of the surge of wellness it brought to your ego that you could pull. You have to bear in mind too, that despite the fact that this might not be the right man for you, you may not be the right man for him either. It goes both ways. Therefore, either you both agree to drop it, or you both agree that it's not going to go anywhere, or you agree that neither of you knows where this is going and you accept to give it a try.
As most people said, do what feels comfortable (but then, it sounds as if you are not totally comfortable with the idea) and don't get involved in doing what you don't want to do.
By the sounds of it, this guy seems more experienced in picking up people, but without further information, this is only something we are guessing. We have no proof. His self confidence may have been put on. You probably shouldn't invest more in it than it really is.
If your hormones are raging for you to have a first experience, then just go for it and read it as just that, an experiment.
If your heart is set on finding just the right person to lose your virginity with, then wait around till you find someone more to your liking. The whole thing is not to feel guilty or bad about yourself for letting yourself into that kind of situation.
The suggestion of meeting somewhere beforehand is only a safety device so you can back out if, once you know the guy a bit better, you don't feel it's the right thing to do. I think you can excuse yourself politely, and if he's decent he'll see that the time is not right for you. Bear in mind also that he may be convincing and a little pushy, especially if he sees that you are ripe for an adventure. (He's obviously already cashed in on that one

What would be interesting would also be to find out if this guy has a partner already and whether he's just picking you up as a thing on the side. This may influence your decision one way or another. Don't necessarily believe everything he tells you, and most certainly keep your safety options open by coming with the right implements to the appointment, ie have some condoms, and not just one. Better to have them and not use them, than not have them and regret it.
Good luck with this (or your, whenever it happens) first time.