New York, these streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you, lets hear it for New York!!!
Ok guys, so yay for those of you who know that awesome song! But to get to the point I'm in NY for the month of july and maybe half of August if things go really well at school  [FYI, that means I am working my ass off]
Anyway, while I'm here I want to make the most of it, so If you guys have any suggestions about stuff to do, places to, things to see, or if you just want to meet a new crazy canadian and make a friend, let me know! So far I totally love the place, been down to the meat packing district a few times, but I want to see it all, so help me out!!!
Dude, you have to go to the jekyl and hyde club in the village!!!!!
the bathrooms are hidden behind bookcases, you have to find the right one, there is an animatronic rhino, it fell in love with me :3
a frankensteins monster drops from the ceiling too!!
Its a little silly but its fun and a great atmosphere!
I wonder if PA and I will have a chance to check out a place where Frankenstein's monster drops from the ceiling next year ... probably not, oh well.
Ceruleaan Wrote:New York, these streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you, lets hear it for New York!!!
Ok guys, so yay for those of you who know that awesome song! But to get to the point I'm in NY for the month of july and maybe half of August if things go really well at school [FYI, that means I am working my ass off]
Anyway, while I'm here I want to make the most of it, so If you guys have any suggestions about stuff to do, places to, things to see, or if you just want to meet a new crazy canadian and make a friend, let me know! So far I totally love the place, been down to the meat packing district a few times, but I want to see it all, so help me out!!!
Join meetup and see what is going on locally in NYC. What are you into or looking to do? Been to West 4th street? Its like a circus. You might like it.
OMG 0_o''
That sounds friggin awesome! Can't wait to have a chance to go check it out! Hopefully I'll find some buds to go with soon, only been here a few days but I'd love to hit the scene with a few friends and see how its differs from what we've got in Toronto!!
Oh, and theres a coffee shop in brooklyn I used to love as a kid. Its called narrows coffee shop just outside the gat for fort hamilton. if you go to brooklyn be sure to stop there
My favorite place to vacation. The sights, the sounds, the everything, it's amazing. What to do depends on what you like, if you want to do the tourist stuff, go to the Empire State but do it at night it's much cooler, and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge at night, again, much cooler. If you like restaurants, there are a million places, a few of my favorites are Buddabar in the meat packing district, not cheap but great food. Artie's Deli on Broadway right around W 73rd, great place for lunch. Also on Broadway Big Nicky's burgers and pizza, grubby little dive, but GREAT burgers. Clubs, the gay experience in NYC is not complete without going to G's lounge, it's down in Chelsea 17th St I think, and about 3 blocks away is Splash which is a huge dance club also fun but very loud. If you want shopping there are beyond tons of places, just depends on what you are looking for. The thing I like most about NY is that people are open to anything, and at any time on any day you can find something to do. I love it's fantastic.
marshlander Wrote:I wonder if PA and I will have a chance to check out a place where Frankenstein's monster drops from the ceiling next year ... probably not, oh well.
Depends if we can take minors there?:tongue: Or is this too gay a place?
The New Yorkers among us probably know of some publication that lists all the free things to do in New York City... So, guys, cough it up!  please.