I feel there is much needed attention to given to those gay men with Bi Polar Disorder,Schizo-effective Disorder and Schizophrenia. I have been diagnosed with multiple illnesses dealing with the brain starting when I was a child in the 80's when mental illness research and knowledge was in its infancy and they would call it Emotionally disturbed and or learning disabled. Psychotic,Autism and Down Syndrome are much more severe and are more visible because of the behavior and physical characteristics. How does a Gay man with a Mental illness live a happy normal life when there is so much vanity in the Gay Main stream lifestyle because not everybody is "normal" or looks like a swan or a bunny. Does that mean those Mentally Disabled Gay Men are forced to be straight or alone and unaccepted by the main stream Gay media? Many of those with Bipolar Disorder and Schizo-effective disorder have major social issues that can effect all relationships types where is the outlet for us. I believe that lack of support,understanding and love could produce more Sociopaths like Jeffery Dahmer or Andrew Cunanan if they received treatment through medications and psychotherapy and they were confident they could live freely as gay men society without being ostracized and be in loving and meaningful relationships they would have never committed those atrocities and lived happy normal lives.
I'm not sure. I know it's been a struggle for me at times and that's without all that going on (well, maybe some anxiety but not quite the same); I can only imagine how much harder it is when added complications are present. I myself don't mind complications as long as the other stuff is there of what I'd look for in a guy. I've never really thought about it in this context, but I know I keep hoping for more acceptance for gays in general to help give positive youth who might be confused some support and good role models. This definitely would be all the more important for gay men struggling with other stigmas.
Joseph is a good role model for gays with difficulties, for example... He's learnt such a lot and especially he claims his gayness loud and clear.
thankyou princelaberto very kind.i.just learning disability like downssyindom is not illlness it is just mean need help. i not now like wghat it illess. your riht it is very hard a bout gay and learning disibilty beacase peple not think your gay not belive you .its is need help with things like go out then it is hard getting s boyfrind becase you need help. aswel it hard to get meet gayman becase a bout going out n that.a n not meet anymore disabled gayman
Having a mental illness can make all aspects of life difficult, not just being gay. It affects straight people in relationships as well, and it so many areas of life like work, family, etc. Definitely see a therapist weekly, take your medication as prescribed (but don't leave out seeing a therapist, meds can't do it alone, you have to be able to learn how to talk about and deal with the issues). You can inbox me anytime you need, I am a counselor and have a degree in Psych, I used to work in the field but I'm physically disabled now and am unable to work like I used to. Now I counsel people over the phone and am able to set my own hours completely. I'm not saying you should call me, but if you need to talk, you can inbox me anytime and I'll help the best I can, completely privately.
Thanks for your comments guys I hear you! I believe the more awareness we spread to the different Gay awareness organizations about Gay Men and Woman with Mental Illnesses I believe walls will come down. Im on Social Security Disability Income which is below the poverty level of income and I have a psychiatrist, case worker,three group therapist and a clinical counselor who all assist me in dealing with my Mental illness and only three of them know Im Gay but that doesn't help me with finding a meaningful relationship or enjoying my life as a Gay Man and living it instead of just existing in life cause I cant do this or that with out additional assistance from someone else. Allot of what I see is there are two sides to the Gay community one side gay men are more interested in the short-term gratification of casual sex,orgies,online hookups,circuit parties and gay clubs and is caught up in the alluring images of nude men with perfect bodies that the Gay media promotes. The other side is the Gay advocacy groups and activists,Gay Churches and Gay education programs, Gay mentoring and leadership programs for gay writers,speakers and politicians that concern themselves with seeking and building long-term relationships or fighting for marriage equality and I believe the latter is more helpful to Gay men with Mental disabilities even though I have not experienced it personally. How can someone in my situation get the assistance they need to live my life as a happy gay man if its not readily available to me?
joseph Wrote:thankyou princelaberto very kind.i.just learning disability like downssyindom is not illlness it is just mean need help. i not now like wghat it illess. your riht it is very hard a bout gay and learning disibilty beacase peple not think your gay not belive you .its is need help with things like go out then it is hard getting s boyfrind becase you need help. aswel it hard to get meet gayman becase a bout going out n that.a n not meet anymore disabled gayman
I know, Joseph, it's a really hard life for you on the emotional side, and finding a boyfriend or companion is not easy precisely because you can't do it all on your own and need help.
However discovering you were gay has had its perks and I've heard you being very very happy to be gay. Going to the gay pride, wearing nice clothes, dancing and cooking... It's not all bad, is it? :biggrin:
ShinigamiLegend Wrote:Thanks for your comments guys I hear you! I believe the more awareness we spread to the different Gay awareness organizations about Gay Men and Woman with Mental Illnesses I believe walls will come down. Im on Social Security Disability Income which is below the poverty level of income and I have a psychiatrist, case worker,three group therapist and a clinical counselor who all assist me in dealing with my Mental illness and only three of them know Im Gay but that doesn't help me with finding a meaningful relationship or enjoying my life as a Gay Man and living it instead of just existing in life cause I cant do this or that with out additional assistance from someone else. Allot of what I see is there are two sides to the Gay community one side gay men are more interested in the short-term gratification of casual sex,orgies,online hookups,circuit parties and gay clubs and is caught up in the alluring images of nude men with perfect bodies that the Gay media promotes. The other side is the Gay advocacy groups and activists,Gay Churches and Gay education programs, Gay mentoring and leadership programs for gay writers,speakers and politicians that concern themselves with seeking and building long-term relationships or fighting for marriage equality and I believe the latter is more helpful to Gay men with Mental disabilities even though I have not experienced it personally. How can someone in my situation get the assistance they need to live my life as a happy gay man if its not readily available to me?
It seems you are very clearly minded Shinigami Legend. I think I've learnt a lot through keeping in touch with people like you and Joseph, and I must say this site has taught me a lot about people's aspirations. There is still so much that needs to be done to do justice to those with disabilities. There is, unfortunately, not much notion out there among the helpers that being gay (on top of all the other stuff) can also be one of the things that make up a person's identity and personality. Joseph has said as much, when his workers have denied his gayness. What could be worse than being told you are not who you know you are?
I think sometimes the sexual component of disabled people is taken into account but how often is it overlooked because the other issues afflicting them are perceived as more crucial?
kmullican Wrote:Having a mental illness can make all aspects of life difficult, not just being gay. It affects straight people in relationships as well, and it so many areas of life like work, family, etc. Definitely see a therapist weekly, take your medication as prescribed (but don't leave out seeing a therapist, meds can't do it alone, you have to be able to learn how to talk about and deal with the issues). You can inbox me anytime you need, I am a counselor and have a degree in Psych, I used to work in the field but I'm physically disabled now and am unable to work like I used to. Now I counsel people over the phone and am able to set my own hours completely. I'm not saying you should call me, but if you need to talk, you can inbox me anytime and I'll help the best I can, completely privately.
Kmullican I left you a message in your inbox here and I didnt see a response.
yyes peple think pepole like us shoudent have sex