Let me dive head first into this issue.
While I've had only one sexual encounter, it could hardly be classified as such. From that, I've kissed and tried oral sex, as well as mutual JO. Even before this, I just knew I didn't like oral sex, but now I REALLY know I don't like it. Plus, the guy was incredibly unhygienic. I mean, like a dumpster bin nasty.
So what I'd like advice on is, how would you feel if someone you were with didn't like oral sex, and is hygiene a very important factor in terms of sex to you?
I don't like giving oral sex a whole lot. If the guy's very clean and he turns me on, then I might do it, though most of the time I'll pass. I get what you mean about hygiene. There's some things you don't want to stick in your mouth. I don't mind getting oral sex, but really, what I want is to be on top.
ToddYoung Wrote:I don't like giving oral sex a whole lot. If the guy's very clean and he turns me on, then I might do it, though most of the time I'll pass. I get what you mean about hygiene. There's some things you don't want to stick in your mouth. I don't mind getting oral sex, but really, what I want is to be on top.
It's just that it would seem as though most gay men are obsessed with it, and I just don't like it either way. Even if he is clean, I'd REALLY have to be into him, or that it be a blue moon, because I just can't get into it. It was that experience that really taught me the importance of hygiene, even though I knew it before, in particular the practice of "safe breath". Yeah, it's really that important. Thanks for your insight.
That's pretty gross what happened to you, Psyche.
Psyche2011 Wrote:So what I'd like advice on is, how would you feel if someone you were with didn't like oral sex, and is hygiene a very important factor in terms of sex to you? If the person I was with didn't like oral: It wouldn't bother me first off because I would have to be in a relationship with the person and what they enjoy or don't enjoy/personal limits would matter. And, I do think there are other ways to achieve intimacy.
As far as hygiene, well, let's just say, if I uncovered cheese, I'd be very blunt and it wouldn't go any farther. To me it's just plain disrespectful not to have basic cleanliness.
If you aren't going for the relationship route: Maybe if you are really into a guy, and you don't know them well and you want to pursue things :biggrin: start with a shower together or a bubble bath and candles??? IDK. Kind of put some things into place to prevent the likelihood of that happening again, and taking control of the situation.
I don't know why anyone would not clean prior to any date where they intend to have sex. (or any date period, or really anytime they leave the house)
Although, just fyi, the penis tends to be cleaner than even the cleanest human mouth. When it comes to odor causing bacteria, or just bacteria in general, ha.
Not that keen on getting head myself, but would gladly give 24/7
Meh...I don't really mind either way as long as it makes my dude happy i guess. Hygiene is non-negotiable...under an circumstances. I mean what does it say someone if they don't take basic care of their body; ie. under the hood!
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If they are unclean its just a no go.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
Dont worry  mile: I have been with my lover for 25 years and we have sex ALOT...only had oral sex ONE TIME...I don't like it and neither does he. I used to get annoyed when someone insisted on giving me oral sex..I don't like it and I get bored by it. I refuse to give anyone oral sex...major turn off for me.
It wasn't like he had "stuff" growing on him, he was just a kind of unclean that simply doesn't exist if you bathe decently.
The experience I had with oral was, it was like had basted in his own juices for quite a while. Maybe I just can't take the "taste" of the penis. It just concerns me, even though it shouldn't, because it seems like most guys LOVE oral, and I don't like to give OR receive. What I do like is kissing, caressing, fondling, anal, and rimming. But I just can't stand oral sex. As for hygiene, there really are no excuses for being unclean.
Thanks for all of your advice. I really appreciate it.