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Given up smoking.... One week on...
Hello All,
Well i havent been on for the past week because ive decided top have a holiday from gay speak and under go a challenge of giving up smoking... I am doing quite well to be honest and i am using NO AID with it,.,.. Yes boys n girls I am doing it cold turkey because it is the proper way to give up any habit... Taking medications to me ios a different way of smoking... So how did i do this??? I woke up a week ago and thought fuck me my throat is really rough and i coughed up red mucus from inside and thought... Enough is enough... I took the dogs out and started craving for a cigarette and i kept saying to myself NO I AINT AVING ONE END OF.... Well through my working dauy i got through it without smoking so it was going great....
l dont think unless your stubborn to yourself your never going to do it... I have had tight chestness, tingly sensations moods up and down, shortness of breath, easily irritated....
My bf still smokes in the car and house and i dont mind it because it reminds me that i never have and never did enjoy it and reminds me what im missing which isbnt nothing worth writing home about...

If anyone want to give up smoking feel free to buzz me for my method and advice.... I will also teach uya the art of being a stubboprn fucker to yourself lol because you have to be cruel to yourself

kindest regards

zeon x

The easiest way for me to quit smoking was to replace it with another habit. I got into working out and running, and since smoking doesn't really help me in that area, I decided to quit all in all... well except my occasional cigarette I'll bum off a friend when I'm out drinking. It just makes me feel better when I'm wasted, drunk off my ass haha. I'm not gonna lie, I do crave it sometimes though. But I don't think it's worth the health effects it has on my life so I don't bother.

Anyways, good job for you for quitting smoking and wanting to live a healthier life. Coughin up red mucus sounds brutal. KEEP IT UP!

In month eight of quitting. I still fancy a fag and miss them when I write. It is a lot harder than giving up drinking that's for sure.

I went cold turkey as well, but I was never really a heavy smoker, unless I was stressed. In the whole year and a half since I originally quit, I have only had one week moment (back in september), I chain smoked half a packet and was sick as a dog for the next few days, since then I haven't wanted any... I don't even miss the taste anymore, which for some reason was always my favourite part.

But I totally agree with you, being stubborn and going cold turkey definately worked for me. Well done :biggrin:

Good job...But is it that hard to quit really, I mean, I've quit many times Tongue Lol

Seriously though, good on you for going cold turkey, I haven't been able to break the habit yet Sad

keep it up zeon! I quit recently (few months now) and haven't looked back. Sure, I get the occasional habit craving, but its really nothing.

My Method was to cut back a week before by only smoking 1/3 of each cigarette, and not increasing the smokes i usually have in a day. After a week of that, it wasnt too hard, cause I was used to a lot less nicotine in my system. Confusedmile:

Red mucus does not sound good - have you had any other symptoms? Perhaps you should have it checked out, especially if you're still being exposed to second-hand smoke regularly. Hopefully it's nothing - I know I've it in the morning and freaked out, only to realize my nose had bled a bit in the night and it was drainage. But better safe than sorry.

That said, great job and keep it up! As I've said before, I've been there on a small scale and seen big smokers quit successfully as well and know both how hard it can be but also how rewarding. Props to you!

How did your giving up smoking in July go Zeon? Peepwall

All of my extended family smoke.
I'm glad i never tried it.
Because i'm pretty sure i'd end up addicted.:redface:

I hope you've done well with giving up so far Zeon!
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

youngwildfree Wrote:The easiest way for me to quit smoking was to replace it with another habit. I got into working out and running, and since smoking doesn't really help me in that area, I decided to quit all in all... well except my occasional cigarette I'll bum off a friend when I'm out drinking. It just makes me feel better when I'm wasted, drunk off my ass haha. I'm not gonna lie, I do crave it sometimes though. But I don't think it's worth the health effects it has on my life so I don't bother.

Anyways, good job for you for quitting smoking and wanting to live a healthier life. Coughin up red mucus sounds brutal. KEEP IT UP!

same here Smile
It's been 3 weeks now since I last smoked. Last weekend I got real drunk and my friend tells me I had one cig that night which I think is not bad if I dont start smoking again

Good luck!

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