*smiles and shakes his head*.
I call the whole of Firefox to the stand.
Shadow :- "Are you Firefox ?"
Firefox :- "Why yes, I'm Firefox, a new-and-exciting way of ..."
Shadow (interrupting) :- "Just answer the questions please Mr Fox".
Firefox :- "Yes. I am."
Shadow :- "Can you account for your whereabouts on the afternoon of November 6th, 2007 at approximately 4.50pm ?"
Firefox :- "Yes, I was helping millions of people connect to and view internet web-sites."
Shadow :- "Isn't it
true, Mr. Fox, that this is in fact a thinly-veiled smokescreen for you to proliferate the spreading of American English throughout the globe ??" *slams his fists into the table and looks like this >>> :mad: <<<*
Firefox (thinks for a moment) :- "..................................... yes."
HE LIES !!!!!
It's flavour
And go oooooooooon Dan - it's just a little scone - it even has fruit in it !! How bad can it be ????? *smears his half with butter, jam, clotted cream and sips his tea*.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!