
Babe, wouldlikemuscle is right - I WISH it were a public holiday, as we would (I'm sure I speak for wouldlikemuscle as well) be stuffing ourselves SILLY with pancakes, but nope ...
I always remember the day
after Shrove Tuesday (Ash Wednesday) was a cool day in school 'coz you got to big up the number of pancakes you ate the night before when comparing them with your mates ... I think I was up to about 3,000 pancakes one year :biggrin:.
But yeah - it's not a holiday *sniff sniff*.
Wouldlikemuscle, as I understand it, the Americans get BOATLOADS of public holidays, but comparatively very little annual leave ... I think the bog-standard on the mainland is what ... about 23 days a year ? Something like that ?? Whereas in America it's quite a bit less ...
... at least that's what I was always told ...
... so whilst we even out, I think ours is better even at the moment, 'coz we get to take it largely when
we want, which is cool

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!