money. then I can buy all the ZzzQuil I could possibly imagine and go to sleep with all my leftover money. Yay!
One Direction or Justin Bieber?
one direction . not because i think they're good . i've never really heard their stuff . but as far as i know , they didn't make stupid comments about abortion not being allowed in the case of rape because "everything happens for a reason" like mr. bieber ~
puppy or kitten
Puppy all day, every day. (Basenji PLEASE)
You are stuck in a room, and you need a key to get out. The keys are in the two containers in the middle of the room. Both containers hold a key that will open the door guaranteed.
You either A) Stick your hand in used needles that possibly have HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis
B)Stick your hand in the container of Hydrochloric Acid and Barbed Wire
Holy crap that's dark Dogar. Probably the used needles thing. I can't imagine the pain of having one's hand dissolve in acid.
American football or American Baseball?
american football or soccer ?
American Football! Oh yeah! Always American football!
Pants or trousers?
Posts: 2,770
Threads: 17
Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Bi Man in a Monogamous Straight Relationship
Football is better than American Football!
and I guess trousers.
Lemon or Strawberry
Strawberry, but I think I'm allergic to them. I can't eat very many without feeling like I have a cold.
Pineapple or mango?
Mango all the way with sweet tasting juice....
Cold coffee or hot coffee?
cold coffee.
Hot tea or Iced Tea