Fanning out or Spearheading?
Spearhead… i like when men are concentrated, it turns me on…
Tiger Tank Vs Spitfire ?
Usually Tigers where sitting ducks for spitfires, granted they used a good strategy for approach.
Italian front 1917 or Balkan front 1915?
Italian front
Battle of Trafalgar 1805 or Spanish Armada 1588
Battle of Trafalgar 1805
Pokemon or Digimon?
(i've heard about "pokemons" but i don't know what it means.)
Gothic or Baroque?
Maybe Baroque, but don't really have too much of a preference between the two.
Get tied up or let your partner tie you up?
Get tied up… seeing as i dont have a partner i,ll have to get tied up by mystery person/s :O
The munsters or the addams family ?
The Adams Family
Chicken or Beef?