01-11-2012, 10:29 AM
icanuc Wrote:No one in canada who has had sex with their own sex can give blood in Canada. I know that some are working to get the ban lifted but so far it hasn't worked. The organization who one collected blood when there were no rules was sued. They no longer collect blood. A new government agency was set up after this to collect the blood. I feel there are likely a lot of people lieing when they give blood. Asking questions is by no means fool proof testing of the blood is the only way. HIV is NOT exclusive to Gays! Lots of Bi and straight people who are HIV positive as well.
I so agree with you on that, a person who is in a gay but purely monogamous relationship is no more at risk from aids as any other member of the public, it's a pity people can't trust gay people who are living in a loving relationship.