What women want has become a movie already so here is your question... What mean want and especially what gay men want from a partner? How that changes with the age?
Different strokes for different blokes they say. What does it for you then?  Cute looks, Big endowment , Personality, Someone to grow old with , someone else every night, a big wallet? I know we all like to have a combination of most of these things BUT if you had to choose (which 90% you will :tongue  what would be first in the list of what you looking for?
I think it depends on what you're into really ... sexually-speaking, I find the idea of having a partner with huge knob to be a HUGE turn-on, and muscles are a MASSIVE bonus as well ... so basically ex-convicts and bodybuilders were always my type growing up.
HE-MAN I LOVE YOU *blows He-Man a kiss*.
Skeletor's not bad either :redface: LOL !!  .
But I think as you grow, you naturally re-assess things. Good sex is good sex, but good LOVE is by far the more precious commodity, and you can find that in the hearts of all genuine people. My boyfriend is beautiful inside and out, and I'm very, VERY lucky to have him :biggrin:.
Night night boys xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Looks are good, but they mean absolutely nothing if their isn't a personality behind them. I would prefer to be with someone I can talk to and have fun with, laugh with, and feel comfortable around. I would just like to find one guy, rather than have multiple flings. I am way too shy to continuously go out and find random relationships. I want a guy with a firm head on his shoulders and to be make me happy.
When it comes to looks, for some reason I have a thing about the eyes... whenever I look at pictures I am more drawn to the face than the body.
But having said that, in terms of body, I prefer someone who is skinnier, not a bag of bones. I do like muscles, but in small amouts. Body builders and guys with huge arms and chests scare me more than turn me on.
Endowment... well I don't really have a preferance. I guess I would say something in the middle would suffice, not too small, but not huge either.
Education, the size of their bank account, religion/morals, and physical looks. In that order. I don't care for the personality factor. Unless you're a pathological serial killer or pedophile, all personalities are perfect in their nature (my opinion). I can't quite guess as to how this changes with age. Maybe as you get older, I'd be willing to bet that someone's emotional and intellectual attachment to their partner becomes more important (or taken into consideration) than the physical attachment (not that the physical part is completely wiped off, though). I believe that this is not just a homosexual thing--this would hold for all sorts of romantic relationships.
Someone who "fits" to me...
I don't know if any of you do this, and perhaps it's because I have the benefit of years of experience of being with someone I absolutley adore and fit with like book ends....
But for me there is a difference between guys I find hot for sex, and those that I know would be hot sex plus boyfriend material.
Example: I find small, cute, sexy guys sexually a turn on. 80+% of the time this is the kind of guy Fred and I will pick up together.
BUT, I would most likely never choose this type for a steady boyfreind. Those types I see once in a while....fit...to me. My age-ish, tall, good looking and muscular (but doesn't have to be god-like)...but with that something that says...my mom could totaly see us togehter.
There are couples you see that fit and ones you think..hhhmm, somemthing doesn't jive here. What's good for an hour or so might not be good for...ever.
Of course in both cases a thick nice one is pretty important. (God what a size queen!) I'm too sexual of a person not to have our sex life matter. The whole package has to fit long term or I'd rather be by myself with the occasional fling.
Everything is so unpredictable at least i would like one thing not to be, have some stability. Too many roller coasters are kind of tiresome.
Common sense , chilled attitude and a good balance of spontaneity and logic ,also a healthy appetite for life and sound morals are things i d welcome.
Good looks would just make the whole thing more attractive and a good match. Big penis isnt important, as long as the man attached to it has qualities you cant beat with a measure tape. Sense of humour though is important because it can only be a good thing to make each other laugh and have fun....and creativity i find very attractive.
spotysocks Wrote:Common sense , chilled attitude and a good balance of spontaneity and logic ,also a healthy appetite for life and sound morals are things i d welcome.
Good looks would just make the whole thing more attractive and a good match. Big penis isnt important, as long as the man attached to it has qualities you cant beat with a measure tape. Sense of humour though is important because it can only be a good thing to make each other laugh and have fun....and creativity i find very attractive.
+ has to be trustworthy and sincere, i expect nothing less (don't cheat, and if you feel like it's not working just say it). genuine kindness and love for others. versatility in thinking (seeing more than one perspective at a time). and if we relate on the musical level, that would be ideal :biggrin: (or at least share some common ground).
that should be a trait that is required by law. I'm always amazed at how people refuse to even try to see a point from someone else's perspective. My way, my way, my way..... or the highway!
One of the most important things to know in keeping a relationship together is that there is hardly ever a right way and a wrong way, just your way and my way.... and how we can come to a mutual agreement on a way we can both accept.
And I can't abide hypocracy. Don't say one thing and do another, or expect others to treat you one way while you treat everyone else another.
Too much ego used for the wrong reasons today. Super point!
Michael, that is so true...
i have met so many stuck-up people that just hang on to some stupid prejudice or idea of their own, with no possibility of bending towards the other. there is only black, not white, not even gray... i consider that to be very close to a lack of respect. even if the other's opinion is wrong you should never put yourself over him/her, the truth is never absolute and i find that a healthy discussion where both partners open their minds works wonders. continuous communication and open-ness, with room for compromise for the sake of your significant other - sounds so simple yet so difficult to find!!! :confused:
It's the top reason so many people break up.
Think about it. How the toothpaste is rolled up! Seriously?! Or the toilet seat? Then just out it down yourself! Irritating perhaps, but come on! Your way, my way and a way we can move forwards "together" as a couple. But too many people's ego get in the way.
Years of posting on Gay.com showed me how little people are capable or willing to even see something from two sides, let alone several. How do you grow if you only try to see through your own limited perceptions?
Sad but true.