War is a simple concept. Some people dislike other people and war is declared.
From my point of view, the human race has been involved in only ONE war which has been going on for thousands of years, There are lulls, truces and an occasional year off but THE WAR continues unabated.
War is the product of hostility fueled by the seven deadly sins. They are lust, envy greed, gluttony, anger, pride and sloth.
Does anyone see the possibility for peace in your lifetime?
At 65, I don't expect to see an end to THE WAR in my life.:mad:
LOL, no. I don't think we have even begun to see the end of war.
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Virgo
Do i need to say anything?
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
gilhooly Wrote:War is a simple concept. Some people dislike other people and war is declared.
From my point of view, the human race has been involved in only ONE war which has been going on for thousands of years, There are lulls, truces and an occasional year off but THE WAR continues unabated.
War is the product of hostility fueled by the seven deadly sins. They are lust, envy greed, gluttony, anger, pride and sloth.
Does anyone see the possibility for peace in your lifetime?
At 65, I don't expect to see an end to THE WAR in my life.:mad:
In my younger, more naive, years I used to think that over time, the human race would *evolve* AWAY from war as we became more enlightened and civilized and sophisticated.
Now, today, in my middle and cynical years, I'm fully convinced as global population pushes 7 billion (from the 5 billion in my younger years) that it's the increased COMPETITION for scarce natural resources (minerals, water, etc.) that will FUEL our predilection for war.
I'm hopeful but realistic. I think we're headed for a Great Reset.
War as been going on since our ape ancestors picked up sticks and beat each other over the heads with them..! :eek:
The only way to minimize the threat is to abolish the state, society and all form of technology, creating an unstable anarcho-primitivistic world. The war would continue obviously cause that is in our nature but we would be much less powerful since we got weapons that can destroy the earth 17 times and it doesn't matter what we do as an individual, it do not matter if we live in a democracy we are still manipulated to those on top who wish to gain more power. Egoism is one of our primal instincts to survive, if we compare ourselves to other pack animals, are we just in a pack for the benefits, those we work with aren't those we hold dear wouldn't you say? And as the technology is continuously evolving do we soon need something to defend ourselves cause the technology is for sure going to get in the hands of those who can afford it and has the power, or if we do not do anything against it we will become doomed as slaves even from birth. Only together are we strong. Call me paranoid if you wish but I think that the brink is soon and we need to break from the society like every grand society has done so far (Egypt, Greece, Maya, Inca, Roman) or we will become the tools, created without any freewill or liberties. But also as the population raises and the earth is slowly dying, the next war would definitely be about the resources, soon there will be nothing left except for those who already has everything, the only water still existing is either tainted or undrinkable saltwater, humankind is like a disease, we only loot and loot till there is nothing left, and when there is nothing left, we loot the next place. we are made by nature, eating nature, drinking nature and living with nature, yet we do everything to destroy nature. Obviously I like the standard that we are living but like everything, nothing lasts for ever. I only fear to experience within some decades that this will actually happen.
war and peace:
peace is a brief interlude where governments analyze what went wrong in the previous war and derive the necessity of a new war to fix a current bad
Posts: 2,797
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Virgo
The quicker we colonise Mars, the better, is all i can say.
Least if we lose Earth we still have SOME humans SOMEWHERE.
Maybe they'll even learn from Earth's mistakes if we're lucky and survive without Earth.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Best would be to preserv the earth, since same shit will happen on mars or any other planet
I was hoping you guys were going to disagree with me. Instead I agreed with everything you posted.
The war began with the first man who found out he distrusted another man, Predatory animals normally trust predatory animals when they are of the same species. Lions trust lions. Tigers trust tigers. Owls trust owls. Unfortunately, we are the only species that does not trust each other.
Original sin was not Adam and Eve swiping an apple. I still wonder why Cain lilled Abel. That killing may have been the original sin. Or maybe Abel raped Cain's wife. No matter how you look at things, men must learn to trust men in order to survive.
We might be able to improve the level of trust if we imposed harsh penalties on people who violate our trust Which crime makes you angrier. A thief who steals a truck or a policeman who covers up thefts I feel more violated by the cop. I could take steps to keep trucks from being stolen. If police faced severe penalties when they violate our trust they may just have second thoughts.
I always seem to make people angry when I say rapists, not murderers, should receive capital punishment. Have you ever spoken to a woman whowas raped. You would swear it happened to her yesterday not 30 years ago as it may be on a calendar.. When a woman is raped she begins to distrust all men. Her distrust of all men soon spreads to her husband, father, sons and male friends in the form of guilt they feel. When a woman is raped all men feel guilty because we know that shouldn't happen to anyone. At a minimum, a person must feel free and in control of their own body to feel secure. Imagine how you might feel if you walked to a local store in fear.
Rape is the never ending sin. The woman feels raped for the rest of her life. Little by little she spreads the rape to men who care for her in the form of guilt.
On a grand jury one time I had an attack of claustrophobia or something like that. The DA simply said to an 86 year old woman to describe what a 26 year old rapist had done to her. She did and I wanted to leave the court room. Afterwards, every man on the grand jury gathered ouside to say how much we wanted to kill that man. I remember saying I wanted to open his head with a baseball bat. Every guy standing there agreed with my sentiment..
The current level of distrust of men in America is almost unbelieveable.. With that said women will say I must be crazy to say that. OK, ladiies. if you think I am crazy why did we spend [fron 1980 to 2010] $30.000,000,000,000 on defense and accomplish absolutely nothing. We are all more terrified now than before we spent 30 trillion on defense. The wonderful joke is the next war will be shot as a bullet right through the computer screen you are looking at. We haven't even started to prepare for that war.
I truly believe we would be much better off if we had spent 30 trillion on the USA. The obvious question is why did any woman ever vote for the Republicans. If women trusted men they would never have used 30 trillion preparing for war. Women voters should have spent that money on housing, healthcare, education and everything else women say they care about.
We are being brainwashed and fed a total line of bullshit it is coming out of our ears.
A huge reduction in bullshit would cheer me up. Any politician who admits that Americans are a bunch of assholes would get my vote. I know I am a board certified asshole and I don't think that makes me unusual. If a guy tells me he is not an asshole, I would consider him a fucking fool and ignore him. If the politician were smart he would use the ultimate magical word and tell us he needs our HELP.. Guys how do you feel when someone asks for your help. As a 65 year old disabled gay guy it would delight me if someone thought I was HELP.. Kennedy tried in 1960 and it worked like a charm. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for America, At 14 I yelled yes at my TV screen in acceptance and admiration of John Kennedy.. I have never felt like that since.' I miss the country I was born in.
As kids I and all my friends loved to talk to men. We knew older men were all straight shooters and told us the facts of life. Every man did. They told us what they did in WW2 and how they fought for America. We all learned first hand how horrible war was. They all described their dead friends in Japan and Europe,
Precisely who decided that men and boys should stop talking. At 65 I know if I walk up to some young kids to discuss the marines or anything else, the chances are I will be labelled a sexual predator. Hey guys. Who told boys that men are sexual predators. Someone sure has.
I know some women who truly like me. I think most women know men they adore. But if you ask me as a general proposition I think women of America truly despise us and can't trust us. If I am misreading please me what I am missing... I already told you I am an asshole I won't take offense if you agree with me. I don't think women like men anywhere on this planet. Raise your hand if you think you would like to be married to a fundamentalist moron.
If pagans took control of the world we might even remember how to keep the promises we make to each other. We might even learn to trust and respect ourselves and each other. If you went to a store today without hurting someone you are already a pagan in waiting.. Keep that up and the world will be filled with the sound of small talk. We would simply hang out together like we do on GS and make small talk. War and violence are not necessary for the preservation of our planet. We could have it if we chose it as an act of free will. It wouldn't even hurt and you might grow to like it. But there are definitely some people standing in the way.
I wish every guy could be trained as a marine. I am 65 and I have never been arrested or accused of anything. I an described as a nice person who says hello to everyone. I am often described as being unusual. Recently I decided to teach a blind dog how to play again. When asked how I said I taught the dog to play Hide n' Go Seek. He peed on me with joy as I taught him how to play again. Since leaving the marines I never felt the need to own a gun or a rifle. They taught this unusual reaction. If you step on my toes I will tell you in a whisper GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. I will bump my nose against yours for emphasis. It has worked for me since leaving Parris Island. Bullies do not like to be bullied back. It makes them very very nervous.
Guys I have no intention of becoming a nice retired gay guy. Gay guys often get treated like shit. You treat me like shit I will simply open your head with a tire iron. You want to be nice you have to back that up with a spinal chord that works. Then you get to be nice on your terms nit your opponents. If you meet up with a guy who thinks gays should be beheaded, agrenade up his ass may change his mind, Shove the pin down his throat and hit the dirt. You may lose your reputation for being nice but you will still have your life. Best of all, if this starts happening on a regular basis they may even give you a medal just like a marine gets. They may even pretend to like gays.. If they do smile and say thank you. I am gay and I like gay guys myself. Want to go out with me
Guys I was in love with a heterosexual guy from 6/21/68 up to and including today. I was never a snob towards straight guys. I liked that he made an exception for me. Even his heterosexuality came in handy. When I was horny I gave him a Playboy. It worked wonderfully. My love Tom was an alphamale on Wall St. and was constantly recognized in expensive restaurants in NYC. He never acknowledged our sex life. For the first 13 yyears I worked for him and no one even knew we were friends, He constantly said no one on Wal St would take advice from a faggot. He was always perceived to be in cintrol of every meeting he conducted, He had the kind of business presence that could stop a Donald Trump with a look. He was always in control of everything.. When Tom's day was over he would relax with me performing anal intercourse in him. I loved watchinghow he would visibly reax as I entered him. He wanted me to do ot for hours because he iked the way I felt inside him. Sometimes I woud ose my erection and he would talk to me like Elmer Fudd. You lost your erection you Wascally Wabbit. I'll get it back Tom. On our first honey moon in Europel, Tom did not want to see the sights, he wanted us to fuck at every tourist sight. He liked being seen by total strangers. One of the best orgasms I ever had was at the top of the Eifel Tower. For 5 weeks we fucked each other in so many pubic places Iamost passedout . I had no idea Tom was so brazen. He woud change his occupation in every city in Europe.. Did you ever ride with a maniac driving a car at 100mph with his left hand while he was jerking me off with his right. I didn't know whether to scream in terror or have an orgasm. Tom LOVED ORGASMS. He didn't care ess whether it was mine or his, Guys sometimes I got so lost during orgasms I didn't know which of us had come.. The first time he fucked me to orgasm I must have passed out. I looked down expecting to see that i had ejacuated my kidneys and intestines. I thought I came from the back of my knees to my ribcage. I kept saying Who was screaming, Tom, I heard someone yelling. That was you John. I was immediatey embarrassed we were somewhere in Spain. Did they hear me in the hall. Tom said--they heard you in Stockholm. Tom hated to pay for anything. So his contracts aways provided for an unlimited expense account. When he wanted me to come over and fuck him he woud send a limousine, He always hadbigshots to his coop soIwasn't allowed to live there. Tom was engaged when I first met him but his fiance never showed up. I never asked him questions about his str8ness, He never talked to me about gay. Actuay Tom and I became lovers on 6/21/68. I was a terrified virgin at the time but Tom had been active with girs since *th grade. Neither of us ever heard the word gay and neither of us had ever seen gay porn. So we almost never talked about sex unless we were having sex and then we talked about whose orgasm might be next Sometimes we flipped for ot I am not well hung so I never pushed Tom He often wished I was longer. Tom was well hung so I was glad he bottomed. We did everything we could think of while fucking. We read newspapers to each other or books magazines you name it. He payed bis while I fucked him. We played checkers. Tom and I both had genius IQs and we both liked to play crazy games while fucking. He'd tel me to fuck him and pretend not to like it. I pretended but I still came. We had arguments iver orgasms. This sounds odd but we were never very interested in sex. We always taked about orgasms.
If gay guys have sex like gay porn movies you guys are really boring. You all have silent sex for 10 minutes and then oull out and ejaculate. If Tom and I had sex that boring we would have broken up. We always pretended to be fast paced CIA agents who had to get our rocks off in some kind of unusual place--preferably with strangers watching our orgasms. Tom would always say people will not create a diplomatic incident if they see 2 Americans fucking. Nobody ever complained. Almost every guy clearly enjoyed seeing us. Even women didn't seem overly anxious. I think people actually ike to catch people fucking. Peoplethink I am unusual and I may be Unless you are a pagan and believe in free will I loved Tom Tomloved me I never hurt Tom. Tom never hurt me. And the orgasms we had were incredible. I feel rather stupid about "gay". So much I read at GS sounds like you are having a bad time. I have always loved being a homosexual man in love with a heterosexual man. Since I am the only person on this pllanet to have sex with Tom, I am the world's greatest expert on Tom sex.. God gets 3 cheers fromme on my sex life.. But being a born-again pain the ass I willprobably pick something else to argue about.. But God osstillbuilding new galaxies and has somany old ones to worry about I am content as a pagan to be a messiah unto myself. Hope Idon't screw it up in the future, I hope I don't bump into Republicans when I'm in a bad mood.. I sure hope they stay more than 500 yards away.