10-19-2011, 10:56 PM
What do you think about my dream life?
I'm completly gay, I tried to be atracted by womens but no, I can't, the only thing that atract me from them are their hair, their clothes, their shoes haha :tongue: Although once I fell in love with a girl... But it never last, she was 4 years older than me and her parents didn't let her go out with me. But I mean, I didn't turn on with her but I loved her SO much... It was very weird, also I got jealous with every man that passed around her, idk it was weird, the point of this is that now I realized I'm completly gay but I can live with a women, so, here's what I'm gonna do in my life:
Finish school
Finish college
Get a job
Get married
Have children
Be happy and die old
Yes, nobody except few close friends know I'm gay and nobody is going to find out, cuz as weird as its sound, I don't think is a normal thing... And my parents neither, they are homphobic and they will kill me if they know. I don't like to be gay at all I think it's dirty :tongue: the only part I love is that I can think like a women and dress better than everybody HA! So that's my plan. I would love to have a family I love babies and children... I would love to have a wife although she don't turn me on... I'll make up something so I can fuck her and have sons
haha :tongue: But my question is, do you think its right to do that? I mean I'm not going to suffer at all cuz I hate being gay and I hate being atracted by men and want to fuck with them I think its slutty and dirty so I prefer that dream life that I'm gonna be happy, being gay in the inside haha, what do you think?
I'm completly gay, I tried to be atracted by womens but no, I can't, the only thing that atract me from them are their hair, their clothes, their shoes haha :tongue: Although once I fell in love with a girl... But it never last, she was 4 years older than me and her parents didn't let her go out with me. But I mean, I didn't turn on with her but I loved her SO much... It was very weird, also I got jealous with every man that passed around her, idk it was weird, the point of this is that now I realized I'm completly gay but I can live with a women, so, here's what I'm gonna do in my life:
Finish school
Finish college
Get a job
Get married
Have children
Be happy and die old
Yes, nobody except few close friends know I'm gay and nobody is going to find out, cuz as weird as its sound, I don't think is a normal thing... And my parents neither, they are homphobic and they will kill me if they know. I don't like to be gay at all I think it's dirty :tongue: the only part I love is that I can think like a women and dress better than everybody HA! So that's my plan. I would love to have a family I love babies and children... I would love to have a wife although she don't turn me on... I'll make up something so I can fuck her and have sons