10-20-2011, 11:34 PM
I guess I developed a tough skin when it came to creepy crawlies, despite horrid experiences with fire ants, yellow jackets, and scorpions (and people I know who have horrid scars and even disabilities from things like spider bites), not to mention several tick bites and being swarmed by chiggars once. But there is one exception: centipedes.
This was because I was foolishly washing dishes in Granny's kitchen with bare feet when I felt something crawl over my foot. I wisely decided I didn't want to know what it was so I waited until it wasn't on my foot anymore before looking and saw a centipede. Having been stung by enough pests I quickly grabbed a knife (the first thing I could and I wanted to get it before it got under something) and cut it in half.
Both sides continued to crawl. I freaked.
I ran and grabbed something to crush both sides. And actually despite my being freaked I also felt bad as I worried I'd put it in pain (I wanted to kill it, not hurt it). Even after I crushed it to paste I wiped it up on tissue paper and flushed it down the toilet. I've always hated centipedes since then. :redface:
This was because I was foolishly washing dishes in Granny's kitchen with bare feet when I felt something crawl over my foot. I wisely decided I didn't want to know what it was so I waited until it wasn't on my foot anymore before looking and saw a centipede. Having been stung by enough pests I quickly grabbed a knife (the first thing I could and I wanted to get it before it got under something) and cut it in half.
Both sides continued to crawl. I freaked.

I ran and grabbed something to crush both sides. And actually despite my being freaked I also felt bad as I worried I'd put it in pain (I wanted to kill it, not hurt it). Even after I crushed it to paste I wiped it up on tissue paper and flushed it down the toilet. I've always hated centipedes since then. :redface: