11-05-2011, 12:06 AM
ok just a general question have you ever found a thought in your mind that was forgin to you
like not in your personal thought pattern you please search your memory and look in your trash can while disscusing with some freinds i found ththatat most that had afermitive
anwsers had discared theis thoughts because it must be either from the mistal strange (crazy)
part of their mind so they were affraid to investagate where it might have come from
because this might be the road to lunacyBut i am sure there are some out there that knoe
yourselved enough and are honest enough and inquesitive enough to investagate
a strange occurance and dissmissed with some explanation. Or perhaps you were talking to someone on some subject and were talking and makeing sence to you snd them but were
speaking like only 1 out of five words of the conversation out loud and they were doing the same and some one else near asked what the hell are you two talking about.
Guess thats all i can ask about primalary would like to chat about your experiances in this vein
possiable we can both get more understanding about life and our needs
like not in your personal thought pattern you please search your memory and look in your trash can while disscusing with some freinds i found ththatat most that had afermitive
anwsers had discared theis thoughts because it must be either from the mistal strange (crazy)
part of their mind so they were affraid to investagate where it might have come from
because this might be the road to lunacyBut i am sure there are some out there that knoe
yourselved enough and are honest enough and inquesitive enough to investagate
a strange occurance and dissmissed with some explanation. Or perhaps you were talking to someone on some subject and were talking and makeing sence to you snd them but were
speaking like only 1 out of five words of the conversation out loud and they were doing the same and some one else near asked what the hell are you two talking about.
Guess thats all i can ask about primalary would like to chat about your experiances in this vein
possiable we can both get more understanding about life and our needs