XRIMO Wrote:Hey everyone, I have a question that I'm curious about. I've been seeing a therapist for about 10 months now. Mostly trying to break me out of my depression. While there are certain things I've been made aware of, such as my more potent thoughts, I feel as though I haven't really moved much. I'm very good at masking my feelings and while I've tried my best to make myself feel better, I can't seem to change my thoughts or feelings.
For anyone who has gone through therapy, was it helpful? Was there an 'aha' moment that changed it for you?
For me, a few things were revealed, and there was more than one Eureka moment.
For instance when it comes to addiction and alcohol abuse. While people told me over and over again that I was most likely self-medicating, using substances to 'deal with' emotional crap, er I mean stuff

- it was just words. It had no meaning to me, I just didn't 'get it'
Until the day came when I was talking at the therapist and suddenly changed to talking TO the therapist when about 1000 watts went through the 5 watt light bulb that is my brain. Suddenly I understood - really understood that yes, my drinking and doing drugs was in fact me self medicating myself to deal with other stuff.
I most likely would have continued to stumble around in the dark had I not been going to therapy and 'talking it out'.
The biggest help was the tools I was given to 'deal with' and 'cope with' 'stuff'. While things didn't actually change and there was no sudden resolution, I had tools I didn't previously have to lessen the sting of the arrows of those things that hurt me.
Therapy is a process, its like peeling an onion, one layer peeled away revealed another layer, then another, then another.
It won't fix everything, it will leave you with some tools in order to cope and deal with day to day things, it may also lessen the blow if you start having and idea 'why' such and so and so is taking place inside of you.