Maybe he just doesn't know the right way to include you in his life?
Or maybe he is just so into you he wants to show you off to everyone and convince you that he wants you as part of his life?
If being forced to talk to his friends and his talking about make-out songs is the only two faults you have with him, I strongly suggest running off to Canada and getting married

If he is around your age (20), he is most likely too young to know where to draw decent boundaries. He will, most likely, mellow with age. He most likely lacks experience to know how fast is too fast and to comprehend why you are dragging your feet.
Rhetorical Questions:
And why is it you are dragging your feet mister?
Why are you not as 'into it' as he is? You are 20, raging with hormones, you should be as excited and wanting to share your new found interest with all of your friends.
These are rhetorical questions - meaning you should seriously be asking
yourself 'What is wrong with me?'. The answers are for yourself, no need to tell me or anyone else the answers.
It does not mean there is anything wrong with you, it only means you should explore the 'why' this is troubling to you aspect of things.
Ask yourself other questions:
Why is it you want things to go slow?
Why does make out songs disturb you?
Think of other related questions about the relationship, if it helps write the questions down and write a reply to yourself. Explore your feelings, your motivations, your wants and desires.
We humans tend to focus on the problems of the other in our relationships - meaning we find flaws with our partner and rarely consider if the problem really isn't us. Try focusing on your 'issues' and the reasons why you have these issues.
From there you can decide if its worth your time and effort to pursue this potential relationship.