Granted - you're wrong! :biggrin:
I wish people would be more honest.
Granted. Now everyone in the world has to tell the truth at all times even when it may lead to bloodshed.
I wish that I had a Holodeck (Star Trek) of my own.
Granted...... but I steal it away from you.
I wish I knew what to wish for.
Wish for me to find a boyfriend!
I wish my dog would stop tearing my bed apart
Granted, now your dog makes the bed BEFORE using it as his potty place.... Ew.
I wish my hair was completely blond instead of mixed shades of blond and brown...
Granted- You are now the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe.
I wish that someone would bring back the "Pet Rock".
Granted... Pet Rocks for all.. falling from the skies (they are totally free this time) See video:
I wish I was 26 again.
granted . but you've been drinking and smoking so much that you look like the oldest person in the world
i wish it was summer
Granted, it supper in Australia.
I wish my fingers didn't hurt...
Granted - now your toes hurt instead.
I wish I knew what the future held.