Granted. The answer is 42.
I wish I knew what 42 meant.
Granted. It mean beer and biscuits.
I wish I had more junk in my trunk....
granted, you have several body parts on your vehicule's trunk which are the result of a frame job on you for murder and slaughter.
I wish I could sleep without waking up 2 or 3 times every time
Oh cool, that will go well with my twink body.... The one I have buried in the cellar.
Granted, now you wake up every ten minutes - oh about 48 times a night (assuming you sleep, erm, try to sleep 8 hours a night).
I wish I had a tango partner.
granted, but you suddenly suffer from selective amnesia and forget how to tango everytime you 2 get together
I wish I knew how to dance instead of being so damn awkward even to walk...
put some fire-crackers up ya arse... now dance :p
i wish Ed miliband would stop grinning, its like hes already winning, i got bad feelings about this one, ive noticed david cameron seems more serious too
Granted, he stops grinning but instead he starts giving the V sign and saying "we are not amused" emulating far better British political figures.
I wish to visit Hellás
Granted, but it didn't hear you properly and sent you to hell.
I wish the delivery guy would get here soon.
But you are wisked off to area 51 in a black Ford Transit van with blacked out windows by 13 men dressed entirly in black, wearing black sunglasses and you are sworn to secrecy on pain of instant death
I wish I lived and worked in a spaceship on a life-long intergalactic space trip all on my own