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Ruin you wish!!
Granted...but you still have your issues with planes....and I assume it sucks to go all the way from Cali to the 5th region in successive buses...

on the subject I wish passports didn't cost so much

Granted, but now passports are made from cheaper materials. On your next vacation your passport quietly crumbles to dust in your pocket, and you're trapped in another country forever.

I wish that I could get out of bed more easily.

Granted, each morning your bed catches on fire.

Actually be stuck in another country may suit me well. While I'm an 'American' by birth, I seem to be quite the "socialist" by nature and would fit in with other Westernized/Industrial nations better for my political and ethical views on society than I do here in America.

There has been a decided decline in the USA over the past two decades - in everything - not just the rotting infrastructure but the incredible amounts of ignorance due to a poor education system which is worsening as time goes on. Take the notion that the UK is a socialist (ergo communist) Nation. This is a strong belief held by my neighbors. Democracies that are not the USA are socialist and American's don't want any part of socialist programs like universal health care. Rolleyes

Then there is that hugeness thing Americans got going on - if its bigger it is better (so the theory goes). Largeness is not my cup of tea... Everything is fucking huge - the family car is an SUV - 4 wheel drive for suburban living. Giant papermache houses with 4-5 bedrooms are 'starter' houses. 80" HDTVs, oh and lets not forget to mention the ever increasing waistlines which reflect the 'instant gratificatin super size me' mentality of Americans.

And the sense of entitlement and drum beating. We are Number one! The notion that everything in America is Better when in truth the USA's Golden years are long gone (forever, End of Empire and all of that rot), we rank below Cuba in health care, barely make a blip when it comes to childhood education... We do rank number one in incarceration rates per capita, we hold more people in prison than the USSR did at the height of its power.

I would gladly disassociate from the USA. /rant

I wish I had more asprin or something - forgot wine and its sugars lends itself to more powerful headaches and crap...

Granted but I only have the aspirin I made in my organic lab classes back in 2007 to give you..
it MAY be a little expired

(Anacin does a better job, btw, I have to take it 1.- cause it's so damn efficient and 2.- my nose bleeds everytime I try to take aspirin....like....waaaaaay too much blood)

I wish I wasn't so damn prone to nose haemorraging from Aspirine...cause It's cheaper than Anacin

Thin blood or thin blood vessels....

Oh wait wrong thread. Granted, now you can take aspirin but instead of getting nosebleeds you get anal bleeds.... On nothing major, nothing a 'rag' can't take care of... :biggrin:

I wish I had more time to kill on Gayspeak instead of having to start baking crap or shit or maybe I will start on those muffins... IDK....

Not granted, you spend the next hour of your life baking muffins no one wants to eat.

I wish bowyn would remember the damn eggs

Granted, but he uses endangered sea turtle eggs....

I wish there was someone else to clean up after all of today's baking, grinding, pounding, beating and whipping I have been up to.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:pounding, beating and whipping

:eek: Aren't you supposed to be single????????? :eek: :biggrin:

and I had to edit my post from Aspiring to Aspirin..haha...aspiring..sniffing...doing lines..jeez...no wonder I was nose bleeding Rofl

granted, there's someone else to clean up

[Image: darky___psycho_maid_black_by_chaos_shini...4sybuu.jpg]

I wish I can dream of a guy holding me in my bed..just dream about it would be fine


(nope not ruining that).

I wish I had more energy left to stay up for a couples hours more - but I'm dead beat (and sober) and going to bed now....

Ya gonna dream about me, all about me, nothing else but me:eek:

That about buggers up your wish

I wish I already had 1999 posts

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