By no means have I felt or been persecuted for it but many other members of the LGBT community have been suprised that I am not campy at all and no one I've come out to had any idea before hand that I am gay. What's your thoughts on "straight acting" gay men and do you think all gay men should have a bit of a campy side?
straight acting men are lame come time for a relationship, i would hire one to work on my car tho.
The term itself 'Straight Acting' pisses me off no end. People keep telling me that I act straight and I tell them to shove their stereotypes up their arse. The way I am is no act and I refuse to be anything but myself. As far as I am concerned, society must adapt to the individual, not the other way away, and no one should put up an fake afront to feel like they are a part of something...that's just plain shallow and living life in a empty shell.
Is it ok to be a 'camp acting' straight?
No man, no wowan and no child should have a side to them that is contradictory to their personality just so they can live amongst the fake people.
Sorry to be blunt, but that is the way I am...Campy, straight acting...fuck that shit. Don't act unless you are in Hollywood, just be yourself.
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
I don't have anything to add to this thread but:
iPromise Wrote:...
But I could careless for straight or non straight acting guys.
they are both great, I'm not show if I'll be comfortable with a guy like "totally" acting like a girl though. Just cause well, I'm gay cause I want a guy, not a girl... know what I mean?
N'T care less.
Saying could care less is like saying you do care about it.
At least enough to be able to care less.
Sorry iPromise, a pet peeve of mine.:redface:
Also yes, i hate the term "straight acting".
It infers the person isn't being them self.
It also infers all straight people, or at least most, behave the same.
But meh.:redface:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I'm not talking about putting up afront, I'm talking about gay men that you would not have a clue were gay until they told you they are...I didn't come up with the term "straight acting" it is a term that was thrown at me by other gay men
I am not really campy but I joke that I have a South Park kid living inside of me that I guess could be considered campy...not sure really. I have a potty mouth sophmoric sense of humor that I usually hide unless I really know someone but it worked out great when I bartended.:biggrin:
I don't think being campy has anything to do with being gay...some gay men are just campy but the overwhelming majority are NOT in the least campy. I hate typing this next part because it sounds like a broken record to me but having worked in an all gay environment for so many years if campy was the gay norm surely I would have noticed it because I was right in the middle of thousands and thousands of gay men in person all the time.... I would say maybe 20%...maybe 25%... of gay men are campy...80% not so much or not at all.
I dont like the term "straight acting", your gay but like the things straight guys do. nothing straight acting in my eyes.