... Somebody said something today in a tone that reeked of assumption.
They insisted that my sex life must have been, must still be, and will always continue to be, much better than theirs, because I'm gay.
Upon asking them to elaborate on this, they explained that it's because gay people are much more open-minded when it comes to sex.
I want to know what you all think... from past experience, or people you know. Is this mostly true? Are we, as a group, more open-minded to the ideas that many straight people are prudish about?
Personally, I DO fit this idea. At my relatively young age, I've done just about everything I fantasised about at the tender age of thirteen... Many of which I never thought I'd allow myself to see through.
Does gay culture HAVE taboo? And if it does, is that not a teeny bit hypocritical?
I argued this all day, and never reached a sensible conclusion. So come on... Have your say!
Dan x x x
I'm taking it that you're talking about this topic as being a) in a sexual sense and b) in a more general sense, so taking each one separately ...
A) Actually ... yes and no I think. Fundamentally I think it depends on the individuals - I know plenty of homosexuals that get :mad: when they are branded with the same kind of iron you just experienced as I do those who LIVE for sex ... and it's very much the same in the straight world - think of all the men and women who get played ... LOADS of 'em, so I think that type of thing happens across the board. As to whether we're more liberally-minded about it ? I think so yeah - anal sex for us is kinda the norm really, whereas for many many straight people it's just EXTREMELY taboo.
B) With regard to life in general I would say ABSOLUTELY, yes. Being representative of a minority group and being generally forced to experience the withdrawal of being closeted AND having to often dig deep and pluck up the courage to address it (often repeatedly, depending on how well you do it the first time) means that we have (as I've said in other threads) a somewhat uniquely beautiful perspective on life in many ways ... and, speaking for myself certainly, having had to experience that first hand has GENUINELY robbed me of any type of prejudice towards other people, and taught me (not even the hard way - it's just taught me naturally) to be both courteous and considerate of others, their views, their world views, and so on and so forth ...
So yes ... I think that we are generally very liberal in our views, and that when constrasted with heterosexuals there are a number of perspectives that we have a more liberal view on (and not always just the ones that directly relate to us) ... however I don't think it's really fair to say that that means that heterosexuals aren't liberally-minded as, if it were, none of our coming outs would have been possible, non ?
But a very interesting question :biggrin:.
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I think in a way people expect gays to do more to come out as gay, and prove themselves? I mean ive felt that people expect me to have done SOOOO much, when in actual fact I havent..
I think gays are quite close-minded to be fair, especially when it comes to hetrosexual guys. In a way hetrosexual guys suffer the same abuse as gay guys do.
But I think anyone can have a decent sex life. At the end of the day as long as juice is made.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
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In a sex sense... I think we are more open minded... partly because, dividing the straights and gays into separate camps, there are less in number of us, so percentage wise yes I think we are.
I've experienced a wider range of things in my sex life than most, if not all of my str8 mates.. even tho several of them have had more sex than me. And I don't consider myself to be that experienced sexually. I admit to being open-minded with sex... if there's something the other person likes doing, and its a) safe b) I've not tried it and c) its still within my limits, I'll certainly be up for giving it a go. If I try and like it, well I'll be happy to go again, again!! If not, well, I've tried it.
Perhaps that's just me tho.
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Hmm im pretty bored :eek:
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