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Depression.... Time to talk
Kaybee Wrote:For godsake stop bleating yer heart out,,,, get a grip,,,pull yer socks up and get over it,,,, then move on,,,,,what a load of ninsense. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger,,,,,quoted fro my mother ,,,,,2 husbands ,,, died at 87,,,,5 kids ,,,, went through the depression and WW11,,,,kids wit 3 PHDs,,,,etc etc,,,,Pfft

Excuse me? Some people can't just get it over as easy as that. People have issues and some need more help than others. If everyone was perfect it would be a pretty dull world.

When someone suffers with depression its like being trapped in a daark space and even though inside your heart of hearts you know this space isnt the right place it never seems to shift itself... Depression is something that is very hard to over come and destroy... Many peopple your know in the journey of life will suffer from depression whether they are aware of this or not... My boyfriend wasnt aware of his depression and kept snapping at me so i told him to go doctors as i suspected he had depression.... My suspectedness was correct...
Depression in alot of gay youth i find is where they are not able to accept themselves for who they are... l know in my life at 26 i regret not being made in such a way to be a father however i replace children by giving animals a homely enviroment

Two of my close relations suffer from clinical depression, so I have a good understanding of it. And I'm fully aware everyone does have to deal with it in their own way. I always say talking is a good therapy, but some people just cannot talk when they go into their blue mood. One of the worlds greatest leader Winston Churchill suffered manic depression he called it his 'Black Dog' days.

I get hit with seemingly sudden dark depressions. They're crippling, suicidal, and I shut everyone out. However, there is a brilliant light that pierces through the darkness and guides me out. I am extremely fortunate to have him in my life. He does exactly what the OP says, and it helps immensely

BinarySurfer Wrote:I get hit with seemingly sudden dark depressions. They're crippling, suicidal, and I shut everyone out. However, there is a brilliant light that pierces through the darkness and guides me out. I am extremely fortunate to have him in my life. He does exactly what the OP says, and it helps immensely

Thank you for sharing :-)

Depression is a serious issue. I had it from about 7th grade up until a couple months ago (so 15 years or so) and I still think I got it I'm just dealing with it a lot better now and have a lot of coping skills to help me deal with it.

But depression is serious. It's hard for people with it to open up, or at least it was for me, I was in so much pain and self hatred and got to the point where I was just completely over it. Didn't open up because I didn't see a point, didn't think anything could help me. I eventually hit bottom, hit it hard! The last couple years were horrible for me! I don't remember any of it actually, my doctors said they think it was such a tamatic time for me that my brain blocked out all memories from the last couple years as a way to protect myself.

They think as time passes and I continue to do better and get stronger that some of the memories will start to come back once my brain thinks I can handle them. If that's true or not I don't know but I'm really not very worried about it. If they don't come back they don't come back. I have a general idea of what triggered things to get worse and I don't need to know how bad I got, that wont do any good in my opinion.

Hi All,
Well i know when i was younger and i saw my councillor when i had depression due to homelife issues he told me that depression at times was like keeping a little you inside in a cage... I was told to imagen myself in a box that i cannot get out of and that once i had overcome lifes demons i would be free again... As an adult ive had my ups and dowhn moments but because i hate being down inside i beleive that positive attitude = positive results so when something goes wrong or happens I sort of prevent myself getting upset by analzying why it happenned and what the consiquences are, possible ways to avoid for future referance.... Example is tonight i was building my wardrobe when the wood split right down the side i was so angry that if i paid for it all id be taking it to the tip rather than back to the shop... I know after 15 minutes and a think i looked at the pieces and noticed the reason it split is because one screw is slightly longer than the rest even though its advertised as 20mm screws... I know if i was 15 years younger this would bug me things would go wrong and id get emotionally upset and in life if one thing goes wrong everything else does lol...

Kindest regards

zeon x

Np, he's an awesome friend that everyone should have.

I have been struggling with depression and anxiety disorder for as long as i can remember. Its an expremely difficult condition to live with. There are times when i feel so bad that i just wanna crwal up in bed and cry my heart out. It feels like darkness all around and you kind of go into this abyss. But, the episode ends and you feel little better, to fall back into it again. I have trouble keeping relationships and enjoy life like others do as i struggle with my mind and its thoughts all times. i get overly emotional and feel exteremely weak inside as my thoughts make me so much vulnerable all the times. A year back, i was on disability and out of work, homebound for a year. But then i pulled myself together, started working and socializing again. I still struggle with this condition day and day out, but somehow, i am managing it.

I have been depressed (and every other diagnose the doctors gave me ) for many years now, and not even sure when it started. I do recall having a counselor at the early age of four, because I just couldn't fit into kindergarten and the frustration of it all came out in hysterical fits.

I am much better now, but what frightens me is how very little I remember about anything.
My long term memory seems to have a auto deleting system that works to make me forget ASAP and because of this i can't remember any classmates, what I was doing a year ago etc.
A little bit like what Hamsandwizh described but occurring throughout the whole length of my life.

Do any of you know if this is related to my depression/ being AC/ traumatized etc?

And yes, I do hope that people who are in the midst of their depression can find someone to relate to and open up to.
I have my dog now, who is always happy, and always loving.
Having a bundle of joy to wake up to and come home to makes ell of a difference.

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