Personally, I wouldn't change for nobody, atleast not if it required me giving up something I loved.
~off topic~
For some odd reason, and this is slightly embarrasing saying this to a bunch of mysterious people :p , I don't grow as much hair as a guy my age should. It took me 14 years to grow a moustache and it wasn't even much. Still barely growing a beard, takes me like 2weeks to get even alittle x.x . Don't even get me started on chest hair. I noticed in gym class(Okay, I stared, but can you blame me? :3 ) that all the other guys had like small amounts of chest hair and what not, then I look at myself and the music goes "wah,wahh,wahhhh". This was when I was 16 -.- . It's weird, cause even the black guys had it, and usually black guys don't grow alot of hair on their bodies (i'm half black remember :p )
Anywho ~back on topic~
Because I wouldn't change anything I loved for someone else, I wouldn't expect the same. I would definetly say if something bothered me, but I wouldn't tell him to stop/remove what ever it is, especially if he likes it. Like someone above said, guys grow hair (well not me

), so it's not like it's something abnormal. If it bothers you, then either tell him and see if a compremise can be made (like someone said, make a game out of it) or just don't go any further.
The worst thing you can do is make him feel bad about himself and leave him because of it. You should be ready to go into a relationship with no expectations(but some limitations), so if you and him are doing the nasty and his chest hair gets involved, don't just lead him on to believe you like it. Politely tell him that it bothers you abit and see where you go from there. Don't just go "eww, gross" and high-tail it out of there. It'll make him feel bad, and you seem shallow. Relationship is about give and take, and if he ever did give up what ever you disliked, you have to be ready to do the same.
