Atti Wrote:
Here are my turtle friends.
This pic is made in 2007.
Alas, just one of them is still living. :frown: She's 17 yo now. 
Very cute :3 . Too bad about your other turtle

, but wow, 17 :o . Sora's only about 3 going on 4 :p .
Also, to get rid of Algae you can try the fresh water snail
Ampullariidae or commonly known as the apple snail. They like to eat algae and left over food, but beware, if small enough, you're turtle would go after it.
Nick9 Wrote:thanks Odi 
I love gekos, their touch and the sounds they make, but I hate what they eat... Let me rephrase, I hate that I should have their live "food" at home. I guess I need to find some vegetarians LOL Maybe a turtle would be the right animal 
Geckos are cute, especially the one on the Geico commericial :3 . My Tree Frogs eat live insects, but they are helpful. They eat moths, baby roaches, little bugs, worms and anything that can't bite them and can fit in their mouths.
Pond Turtles(like Sora) are opportunistic Omnivores. They'll eat certain meats the same way they eat veggies, though adults prefer more veggies. They're also insectivores, as they would also eat insects that you give them or that fall into their tank/pond.
But you can still get one

, alot of captive ones need homes, because they can't survive properly in the wild (since they were born in captivity) and there are so many at shelters.