02-16-2012, 11:28 PM
The depression comes and goes. I'm feeling pretty alright today, one of the nicest days on the job so far, even closed the café 2 hours early
But I've searched for a tattoo over an half year, Thought first of getting an Aztec piece as I find Mesoamerican indian culture quite fascinating and cool. But I would love to have a tattoo on me but I agree that it should not be rushed and it has to have a meaning behind it. Thats why I wanted to represent rebirth, as for the moment I feel like I am living a life in a town that is suffocating me, and ever since little I've searched for a new start. As the tattoo will inspire me to go the further step and not letting the depression consume me and do something about it before to late
I appreciate all your tips and I shall think about it, thanks again

Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.