Don't you just hate those nights where you cant even get one minute of sleep? D;
At times yes but a quick and easy way of gettiong back to sleep is masturbating... It has been proven that after a moment of pleasure your brain realeases chemicals which help you to relax afterwards and thus causing you to fall asleep.... Bloody lovely i say.. I take it your finding it hard to sleep then?
I know what you mean ....I sleep since 18 years only 3 - 4 hours a night... a few month a year less just 1 or 2 hours.
A good book, DVD and a good Internet helps a lot ;-)
I dont know if i have a freaky moment but all my life if i dont sleep by the time the sunrise is due to rise i begin to feel extremely stressed and scared and dont know why because at the end of the day its just sunrise and it aint gonna harm me
I generally get spleepless nights when i go to a party or a nightout with a friend. I hate it that my next day (Generally Sunday) goes totally wasted.
It's the worst feeling ever tbh.
ive always been a bit hyper active so its something i put up with ,, i do take a sleep medication sometimes betwwen shifts otherwise id be awake for a few days with just a few hours rest,, very light sleeper so its hard on others to be quiet when i do sleep though
my sleeping pattern is weird,
no matter how little sleep i get all night, once it goes a stroke past midnight im wide awake for hours haha