dfiant Wrote:What's an Adele?
Silly billy :p . Adele is only one of the most powerful vocalists of this generation. Probably for the next too. :biggrin: .
Scotty Wrote:Thinks adele should shed a few pounds. Great singer but she is slightly on the large side.
Unfortunately, I don't agree with you about her weight. She's a phenomenal singer, but her weight has nothing to do with her talent, I believe.
As long as a person loves themselves for who they are and are comfortable with themselves, then thats all that should matter. Every person, no matter the appearance, is beautiful/handsome. It's not the outside qualities that make a person attractive, but what's on the inside.
Adele herself even said that she loves the way she looks and says that she represents the majority of women. I find women who are skinny or close to it, are not very cute. They may be cute on the outside, but alot of times, that comes with a price. Keeping in shape is one thing, and taking care of your image, but to obsess over how you look, especially because of what other people think is not good.
Adele is my girl crush, so I think she looks fine

Team Adele :3