I went to go help out my school's performing art show, barely had time to log on, and when I do finally log in, people on terrible moods and view points of life ramble on about me? Thanks.
I come here hoping to maybe get to talk to someone about what I'm going through, and to maybe share stories on how they delt with this. Do you think it's that easy for me? And I don't understand how you guys/galls have no open minds, seriously? I could go on for hours with the science and math behind being gay, bi, straight, blah blah I don't turn it down, I don't live life thinking that things are set in stone. You always have a choice; you can be gay and still kiss a girl, sleep with a girl, and even maybe have a baby with a girl, yes the choice is always and will forever be yours. So yes, I'll stand on what I believe in and say that it's all choice, that's the liberty of life, and if you can't understand then you can't trully say you're fighting (or will fight) for a cause.
Thank you to all who trully helped, for now my decision is to keep it to myself for a bit, maybe just talk to people (yes people) and see who I click with. Sex isn't an issue with me, so I should focus more on personality.

and don't forget "be it a good one or not, the choice is always yours"- my school districts moto.